Holy Ground


We are standing on holy ground
And I know that there are angels all around
Let us praise Jesus, now,
We are standing in His Presence on Holy Ground.


God Responds to the Lyrics:

Stained glass window with angelYou are My holy ground! You, My Child, My Beloved One. You are the Temple of the Most High and Exalted God of the heavens and the earth. I am not interested in the cloth and wood you are standing on. I am only interested in you!

You are My Holy Ground!

As you allow Me to reside in your heart; as you give yourself more and more fully to Me - allowing and causing My Word to live and grow in you; as you continue to die to 'self' and live in Me, you become more and more completely "My Holy Ground".

My desire as your Lord and your God isStained glass window with angel for your holiness to become more complete.  So where ever you go and who ever you are with they are blessed by My Presence in you.

When you are truly My Holy Ground, you will bring My Presence into every place you go, into every conversation you have, into th