Have you ever felt that God couldn't use you?
Perhaps you feel you need to get some of the bad things out before God will use you.
Maybe you think you've got such a checkered past that
you won't ever be able to be used by God. 
Chapter 11 of Hebrews lists some "champions of faith" from the Old Testament.
There are some others in the Bible that were used mightily by God.
Yet, they were all human with human flaws! Here's a list of people God used in a big way.
See any of your own excuses here?
Can you guess who these people were?
Answers are at the end.

1.  A drunk  Martini glass
2.  Too old  Old man
3.  A daydreamer  Someone daydreaming
4. A liar
5. Gullible  For sale sign on the Brooklyn Bridge
6. Hated by her husband 
7. Ate strange food  Strange looking foods
8. Abused by his family Man with black eye
9. A murderer  Someone getting stabbed
10. A woman in a man's job 
11. Fearful  Scared people
12. A prostitute  Woman in short skirt
13. Too young  young girl
14. Had an affair, pretended to be mad, and ran away from his own son
15. Suicidal  Someone crying
16. Preached naked
17. Hot-tempered  Someone angry
18. Ran away from God
19. Lazy & careless with money  Lazy woman
20. A widow
21. Lost all possessions  Person holding a homeless sign
22. Lack of commitment
23. Worry-wart  Man pacing the floor
24. Demon-possessed
25. Had a stomach ulcer  Man with fire in his stomach
26. Young and unknown
27. Too small  woman under a teacup
28. Slept with many men
29. Died  Skeleton on a coffin

Bible with magnifying glass

Go on down for answers:







1.  Noah Gen 9:21

2.  Abraham  Gen 21:5

3.  Isaac  Gen 24:63

4. Jacob  Gen 27:19

5. Samson  Judges 16

6. Leah  Gen 29:31 

7. John the Baptist ate locusts Matt 3:4

8. Joseph Gen 37

9. Moses Ex 2:14, David 2Sam 11:15, and Paul Acts 22:4

10. Deborah was a female judge Judges 4:4

11. Gideon  Judges 6:27

12. Rahab  Josh 6:17

13. Timothy  1Tim 4:12

14. David 2Sam

15. Elijah  1Ki 19:4

16. Isaiah  Is 20:2

17. Peter  Jo 18:10

18. Jonah  book of Jonah

19. Mary was too lazy Luke 10:40  & careless with money Matt 26:7

20. Naomi  Ruth 1:3

21. Job book of Job

22. the disciples fell asleep while praying Matt 26:40

23. Martha Luke 10:40

24. Mary Magdalene  Mark 16:9

25. Timothy  1Tim 5:23

26. The boy with the fish and five rolls of bread (and is still unknown) Jo 6:9

27. Zacchaeus  Luke 19:3

28. The Samaritan woman Jo 4:18

29. Lazarus Jo 12:17

God CAN use you!  He made you just the way you are and wants to use you!

You have no excuses that are any good.  Let Him have you.

You'll be amazed what He can do!



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