“Let the words of my mouth, and
the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my
strength, and my redeemer.”
Psalm 19:14
Many times I have asked God this question. Who am I that You should love
me? Every time He says I am His child and I am precious to Him. When I
finally realized who Jesus is and what a Great Friend He is, my life
Our hearts are barren and empty of love for others until Jesus puts His
Love in our hearts. All of us are born with a selfish nature, which
carries over when we grow up. It is only by allowing Jesus to work through
our hearts and lives that we can love others and be effective as He wants
us to be for Him.
How about your heart today, is it filled with the Love of Jesus? Are
others seeing the Joy of Jesus on your face? When you talk, do others hear
the Compassion and Love of Jesus in what you say?
So many people are hurting inside and they desperately need this Joy and
Love of Jesus. I urge you to let Jesus fill your heart with His Love and
Joy so that you can be a vessel fit for the Master’s use.
January 28, 2005