“And walk in love, as Christ also
hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice
to God for a sweetsmelling savour.”
Ephesians 5:2
As I was walking back from the mailbox this afternoon, a lady passed me
and she was smoking. The doctors have told me a portion of my lung has
collapsed and every time I am around people who smoke, it is very
difficult for me to breathe.
What about our lives, are they pleasing to God and others? Do they
smell sweet to others, or is the aroma coming from our heart a foul odor?
Just as the terrible smell from that lady who was smoking was offensive to
me, I am wondering if I am offensive to others with what is coming from my
We need to be drawing others to Jesus, not chasing them away by the awful
smell of hatred, bitterness, cursing, and cruel words. They not only
are a barrier between Jesus and others; they are a stench in the Nostrils
of Jesus.
Ask Jesus if your heart is a sweet fragrance to others and to Him.
If He tells you that you smell bad to Him, allow Him to pour His Fragrance
in your heart so you will smell sweet when you go to Him in Prayer.
July 6, 2005 |