"A new commandment I give unto you, That
ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.
By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one
to another."
John 13:34-35
Many years ago, I lived across the street from a family that was deaf.
They had a big picture window and when I would look out my window, I could
see them hugging one another. They didn’t say anything, but they
showed their love for each other by their smiles, laughter, and hugs.
I don’t think we fully have grasped what Jesus said in these verses. It is
not an option to love one another; it is a commandment! When we accept
Jesus into our hearts, we become one of His children. I have heard
parents make the statement, "You have brought disgrace to this family and
to our name".
When we don’t show the Love of Jesus to one another, we are bringing
disgrace to the Name of Jesus. When a child shows disrespect to
others then we sometimes think, what kind of parents does that child have?
When we are disrespectful to others and claim to be Christians, then we
are giving the impression that God is a bad Parent.
Joyce Landorf says on one of her teaching tapes, "Sometimes I’ve been so
lonely and hungry to see Jesus, and in your smiles and hugs, I’ve been
hugged by Jesus". Are you showing the Love of Jesus to others by your
smiles, actions, and hugs?
October 6, 2005