Alpenlite camper

This is a picture of our camper that I got from the manufacturer's web site.  (They went out of business.  Too bad, they built a quality product.)

It is a 2001 Alpenlite Santa Fe Limited.  The differences are that the stripes going around ours are kind of a maroon instead of a gray, our truck is a Ford F350 with a full back seat,  and theirs has "bathroom glass" in the upper door window.  I had a window put in that I could see through. 

We bought this model because of all the windows so we could always have a good view.  I don't want glass in the door that I can't see through!  What good is a window if you can't see through it?  (When we bought the camper I told the salesman that the "bathroom glass" in the door had to go.  He said he would replace it.  Later on he started to complain because it wasn't cheap.  It had to be of safety glass as it was in a door.  I guess he learned to look before he leaps.)

Below are pictures of our camper.  The picture on the left was taken in Leadville, Colorado. 

Yep, that's me in the picture on the right with my bike.  That one was taken in San Diego, California. 

The one at the bottom is our camper (you can see my husband's legs behind it) at Calico Ghost Town, California. 

I even took pictures of the inside so you can go with me when I go on vacation. The dinette is what slides out.  When it is in it is like a regular camper, but when it slides out it gives you more floor space which makes my husband happy.  He is claustrophobic and when it is slid out then it makes him happy.   (When I am driving it is always slid in, of course.)

I decorated the inside in a kind of American Indian/woodsy animal theme.  The upholstery was shades of browns and that kind of set the stage.

This is also my family car.  I drive it to the store and everywhere else.  So, if you see my White Buffalo (that's what I named it) coming down the road at you... GET OUT OF THE WAY!  Just kidding!  If you see me coming down the road at you wave at me.

Camper and bikes in pine trees

Me and my bike next to camper
Camper in campground Photos of the dining area

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