Last week I talked about finding God in the midst of pandemonium. Let's talk about it again a bit as it is something that affects all of us since we live in this world that is full of distractions, problems, danger, and more.
We don't know what will happen tomorrow. We don't even know what is yet to happen today. Everything may look like things are going well yet disaster can strike in a blink of an eye. What would you do if you found out that someone close to you had just died in a car collision? What would you do if you found out that your home burned to the ground? What would you do if you found out you no longer had a job?
There is only one thing that is secure, dependable, and unchanging in this world. It is God. Nothing that happens here on Earth will knock Him off His throne. Nothing takes Him by surprise and nothing changes the fact that He is God. Now, how does that help you when disaster strikes?
God can hear your cry of pain. He can hear your tiniest whisper for help. He is right there with you in the midst of it all. He has the strength you so desperately need. He has the peace for which your soul is screaming. He has the answers to the questions that arise in your mind. He has the comfort that can overcome fear, anger, despair, depression, and confusion.
However, if you haven't developed a personal relationship with Him in the "good times" then you will have difficulty finding Him in the bad times. It's not that He is lost, it is just that you won't recognize His touch or His voice. You won't be able to focus on Him as the turmoil will overwhelm your mind. His voice is a still, small voice and is easy to miss in the "good times" and would be much more difficult to hear in the midst of pandemonium!
If we have spent time learning more about God then when our human brains are crying out for an answer as to why something bad has happened our heart will be comforted with the peace that passes all understanding. Our minds may never understand, but we can rest in God, knowing He can turn something horrible into something beautiful. We will be able to rest in the peace, comfort, and joy that He can provide us even though we don't understand the reasons for what has happened.
Practice spending time with Him. Throughout the day, speak to Him. Ask Him his opinion on things. Ask Him if He's there. Thank Him for something you see that is beautiful. Thank Him that you made it through the day safely. Keep drawing your mind back to Him off and on throughout the day.
Spend time in your Bible. Instead of picking up the paper to read, pick up your Bible. Get up earlier in the morning if you must. Pick up your Bible instead of the television remote control. Find out more about the things He has done. Find out more about His personality. Let Him teach you about Himself and about the things He does. |