
Here are the welcome messages from
September 1998

11/7/98 September 7, 1998
9/14/98 September 14, 1998
9/21/98 September 21, 1998
9/28/98 September 28, 1998

September 7, 1998

Are things going well in your life? Are your family and friends healthy? Are your children happy and doing well? Is your marriage growing stronger day by day? Are your bills being paid with some left over? Are you at peace? If you answered, "Yes," then PRAISE THE LORD! If you answered, "No," then join the crowd!

It is a fact that trials will come. It is a fact that things will not go the way we had imagined. It is a fact that the sweet-faced helpless infant you call your child will turn into a teenager some day. There are things that happen that will bring us misery and pain. So, whatcha gonna do?

Well, I'll tell you what God wants you to do. Just as a child turns his eyes to his parents for help and comfort, He wants you to do the same. He is our Father. He loves us more than any human mind can comprehend. He wants us to turn to Him for help and comfort.

We are incapable of taking care of all aspects of our own lives. It is not possible, as a parent, for us to be the protection for our child all the time. I am thinking of my prodigal son. I could worry about him, cry over him, wonder what he is doing, and generally make myself sick. Would any of that protect or help him? Not in the slightest. Can I see his every move? No. Can God? Yes. Can I protect him from everything that might hurt him? No. Can God? Yes. I made a decision to place my son in God's hands.

God loves us so much that He allows us the freedom to make choices for ourselves. He will not force us to love Him or to think about Him. He is the One who created the universe, however. He is the one who made man out of dust. Who is in the better position to take care of your life, you or God? Think about it!

We sure have been having some bizarre weather here. First we get days of heat, humidity, and thunderstorms from Utah. Then we get a week of humidity and rain from a hurricane in Mexico. Now it is back to being just plain HOT! It makes it very difficult to get things done outside. I've been waiting for a decent day and there is no such thing! You ought to see my garden! My weed garden! Good grief!

This Thursday is Casey's first freshman football game. I'm looking forward to it. However, with him in high school my mind is having to make some adjustments. I have to look at him as a young adult now. He is my last one in the nest. My life is making some major changes in more ways than one.

I've never enjoyed change. I've always liked to stay in a "comfort zone." Well, in football terminology, this quarterback has stepped out of the "pocket" the linemen have created to protect him. I am having to look up and put my faith in God to protect me now. It is scary to me and it really shouldn't be. After all, like I said before, God is the One who CREATED THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE. Is He capable of taking care of little me? Uh, give me a second, let me think. . . .uhhhhhhh, gosh this is a hard question!

Link to the 9/7/98 Bible study.

September 14, 1998

Back in 1994 I asked God to use me. The next weekend I found myself counseling some youth that were making some big mistakes. The funny thing is, I was not a counselor! I was not any kind of verbal wizard. I couldn't quote scripture; I could only paraphrase it. Now, given a pen and paper and a little time I could throw down some pretty ponderous stuff, but verbally? HA!

I felt pretty helpless when I faced those three teens. After all, my own sons hadn't listened to me when they were teens! I had no qualifications! I at least had the presence of mind to pray for wisdom and for the right words. It was a long, hard night!

A few days later I realized I had not changed the pages of my Christian daily calendar. As I read the scripture that was on the page from the evening of counseling I found it contained the same scripture I stressed while talking with the teens! God wanted to confirm with me that I had done fine and that He had used me, as I had requested.

Since then I have asked to be used over and over. Sometimes I wonder if I am nuts. I have been going through one adventure after another. As I mentioned last week, I am not real comfortable with change. Well, I have been going through some major changes; all because I have asked to be used.

These changes and experiences have all been spiritually fulfilling AS I LOOK BACK. Many are rather painful or uncomfortable at the time they first happen. The wonderful thing is that God is there with me. He is at my side and is with me step by step every inch of the way. The benefits I have received from Him are worth every tear and every painful step. I have felt Him pour His love over me. I have heard Him encourage me. He gives me the strength that is necessary. He will give me everything I need. I can rest in that fact.

Hey, hey! Casey's team won their first game! Yayyy!

My oldest son, J.J., is coming to visit this Thursday. I am looking forward to seeing him. We used to not have much to talk about, but as we've gotten older we have found that we have a lot in common. I should have phrased that as he's gotten older since I am not getting any older. HA HA HA!

Link to the 9/14/98 Bible study.

September 21, 1998
Well, are you having a good week so far? If you aren't will you allow me to make a suggestion? If you won't, then, "Bye." (That means I'm going to make the suggestion anyway! HA HA HA)

If you have had a bad day, week, month, or whatever there is something that is the same even if you are having a wonderful time. God loves you. Hang on, that didn't come out quite right. Let me say that another way.


If you stop to think about it, it makes all the difference in the world to know that someone loves you. Not only that someone loves you, but that someone loves you with no holding back. Someone loves you the same when you are messing up, when you are rude, when you lie, when you swear, when you have muck-mouth first thing in the morning, when you are having a bad-hair-day, and every second of every day.

Turn your mind on God. Tune in to that overwhelming love. If you keep your mind on Him then you will find that your perspective changes. Things that were devastating before seem minor. He will help you to see what is truly important. He will help you set priorities. He will just plain help you. Wouldn't it be nice to have the help of the One who has your best interests at heart; the One who knows the beginning from the end?

J.J., my oldest son, is here visiting me from Nashville, Tennessee. I am enjoying seeing him. It thrills me to death that he feels it is worth the money for the plane tickets and worth spending his vacation time to be with me. It is the same feeling that God has when you decide to devote your attention and time to Him instead of to something else.

I am in some spiritual warfare on behalf of my church. I covet your prayers.

Link to the 9/21/98 Bible study.

September 28, 1998

Oh, gosh, it is almost October! Where has this year gone? I can almost feel the minutes slipping through my fingers. Have I wasted the first nine months of 1998?

Hmmmmm....the answer to that question is, "NO!" During that time I have learned what my spiritual gifts are, how to pray, how much God loves me, how to die to self, and much much more! I don't have concrete items to show what I have done with my time, but I have spiritual items. My life has changed. My attitudes have changed. I have changed. Nope, I haven't wasted any time.

The weather has finally changed. The daytime temperature is no longer in the 90's and 100's. It has been difficult for me this summer to get out in the yard and do yard work. Things have gotten very overgrown. The weeds were particularly bad this year. I blame it on El Nino. Another thing I blame on El Nino is the fleas. I can't get rid of them. They are resistant to flea soap, flea powder, and flea dip. My poor doggies!

I am in some spiritual warfare on behalf of my church. I covet your prayers.

Link to the 9/28/98 Bible study.

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