"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to
be ashamed,rightly dividing the word of truth."
2 Timothy 2:15

A Bit of History

In the early 1500s, the Aztec Empire was one of the most powerful and
sophisticated civilizations in the western hemisphere. However, within
one year's time, this mighty nation of over 2 million people was
conquered and enslaved by just six hundred (600) men.

How did this Happen?

The Aztecs had a prophecy about Quetzalcoati a legendary feathered
god-king who was light skinned and bearded. This prophecy predicted that
he would return to Mexico from across the sea and that he would come in
the clouds from the east to save them.

In 1519 the Spanish galleons arrived in Mexico carrying a group of
conquistadors led by Hernando Cortez. When the Aztecs saw these ships
with their billowing sails, they thought it looked like clouds.

Cortez heard about the Aztec legend from some Indians who lived on the
shore and decided to use the situation to his advantage.

Cortez cleverly assumed the mantle of deity to a mixed-up, superstitious
King Montezuma II. While the king was waiting to receive Cortez with
honor, Cortez marched his army right into the center of the Aztec

By the time the people realized that Cortez was not the savior they were
expecting, it was too late. An entire nation was deceived and destroyed,
in part because the prophecies of their god's return were so
ambiguous/unclear/vague that most anyone could have served as a

So, why a bit of history before launching into another Bible Study or
Study to show thyself approved!
We must know the Word of
God/the Bible for ourselves and rightly divide it!

In the near future, Satan will attempt to impersonate Jesus and
counterfeit His return to earth, but God's people need not be deceived.

When the disciples asked Jesus for the sign of His coming and the end of
the world, the very first thing He told them was to be on guard against
"And Jesus answered and said to them: "Take heed that no one deceives
you, For many will come in My name, saying, "I am the Christ," and will
deceive many."
Matthew 24:4-5

Jesus is warning people to stay alert, pay attention, keep their eyes
open because spiritual deception will be great as false Christ’s rise up
to deceive people.

Christ then proceeded to give His followers a wealth of information
about His second coming so there would be no doubt as to how He would
return. Yeshua not only wants us to know that He is coming; He wants us
to understand the manner of His coming.

Counterfeit....The REAL THING!

Study the WORD...it will get you out of here!
In His
service, bj
