Voice from the Whirlpool
Among our
many job descriptions in life, most women fall under the category of
'Domestic Engineer.' For any who are not familiar with the term,
it means housewife or as I prefer to call it,
“Miss Suzy
Well, I decided that today I must be
"Miss Suzy." Most of the time I will lie down till that feeling passes,
but there does come a time when you've got to do what you've got to do,
especially when you run out of clean towels or paper plates! You know
what I mean?
So, I’m doing the “Whistle While you
Work”… sorting clothes, washing, and drying routine. I started
transferring clothes from the washing machine into the dryer. You know
how you bend over and hold onto the washing machine with one hand, as
you’re throwing clothes into the dryer, because they are side by side?
now you have a mental picture of me, “Miss Suzy Homemaker of the
Year," right? Well, in a split second my world of “Whistle While
you Work’ became “Swing Low!" The lid of the washing machine smashed
down on my finger. I say finger, singular, because I was fast enough to
move my hand, so that it only caught my middle finger. Keep in mind that
this was a washing machine lid, not very heavy. Thank God! Because, had
it been anything like a car door, you probably would have had to bury
Of course,
being the mature woman of God that I am, able to handle anything... I
started bellowing like a fat cat that got it's tail smashed under
Grandma’s rocker. Go ahead and laugh yourself silly, I know you’ve been
there, too! And you also know that if you are not prayed up, some not so
nice words can come out of your mouth.
Thank God,
I was prayed up.
Now, I was
hollering and really crying because this really did hurt like all get
out! I went to my prayer quilt, which is in my bedroom on the floor at
all times, except when I vacuum. That sentence is misleading, because it
sounds like I casually strolled across the floor and got down on my
knees and started praying.
In reality I
was dancing and shaking my hand
hollering, “Jesus it hurts, help me!”
(Like you
would have done better … right?)
So, I was on
the floor talking to God…
“God, this
is not supposed to happen to a child of God, which I am…. remember? And
You are supposed to give Your angels charge over me to keep me in ALL my
ways, lest I dash my foot against a stone or smash my finger. So what
happened?” I was crying out... in real pain. Then the pain
subsided and I heard that small still voice, that I know so well, speak
to me.
"You know
there are people right now that are suffering far greater pain than you
are in. You have Christian brothers and sisters, all over this world,
being tortured and killed for the name of Jesus. There are children in
this world, this country, your state, and your town that are starving,
being abused, being mistreated, and murdered. What about their pain?
Your pain will go away, theirs won’t. Pray for those in pain… pray."
Oh how I
wept and prayed for all those who are suffering for the "cause," and the
little ones who are just suffering. "God help them, please take the pain
away. Make it right, do something for them please. God be
merciful, be merciful."
Isn’t it
strange how God can take an incident like the smashing of one’s finger,
to remind us of the pains, wants, and needs of others? I sometimes
forget how wonderfully blessed I am, being a child of God, and living
under the shadow of the Almighty. I believe that God allows things like
this to happen to get us out of our comfort zone and into the reality of
this lost and hurting world.
pray that you can hear the ‘small still voice’ calling you to pray for
others in pain, without having to get your attention with a washing
machine. Pray and ask God to make you more sensitive to the needs of
those around you and around the world.
In His Love
Billye Jeane