If you want to list your complaint here then email the following 6 things (two are optional) to:
~~After you click on the above link replace the ! with @ before sending your email~~

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1.  Your name  Please give your first and last name.  If you are giving just the facts then it shouldn't hurt your chances of a settlement.

2.  Your claim number optional

3.  Date of accident optional

3.  Are you the insured or the victim?

4.  Your complaint Please stick to the facts.  If they are treating you as stupidly as they treated my son then the facts will speak for themselves.  I reserve the right to remove any offensive language and anything else I deem to be inappropriate.  What we are doing here is trying to show people that Coast National/Bristol West is not a company they want to buy insurance from.

5.  Helpful hints Was there anything you did that helped you that also might help someone else?

Feel free to send in updates to be added to your complaint (indicate your complaint number).  When you finally settle it would be nice to hear from you.  We want to give some hope to those who are currently in that quagmire of negotiations with them.

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NAME:  Jeremy Meyerett
CLAIM NUMBER:  200 4000 870 40
INSURED OR VICTIM?  Victim.  I was rear-ended
COMPLAINT:  I'm the one that this web site started about.  See the story here.
HELPFUL HINTS:  On the same page as my story.

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NAME:  Lorana
INSURED OR VICTIM?  Insured and victim
COMPLAINT:  Tried to make payment by phone and they said their system was down for updates.  The web site also was down for updates.  The son had an accident after the premium was due.  There is a grace period, but nobody from Bristol West will talk with them.
HELPFUL HINTS:  None at this time.

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NAME:  Lynne
This is the second time one of their insured rear-ended me.  My chiropractor bill is over $600 and they want to settle for $500.  Makes no sense to me.  I am at the point where I need to bring in an attorney, seems silly really.

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NAME:  Kris
DATE OF ACCIDENT:  December 2008
COMPLAINT:  The Coast National insured caused a multi-vehicle accident.  The Coast National adjustor, Rachel Schnitzer, wouldn't return phone calls, was rude, and refused to give Kris a rental car.  Kris had to hire an attorney to get help settling the claim.

The BBB in Phoenix has rated them C-.  Wonder what that rating would be if everyone who had a problem with them filed a complaint!

Coast offered a settlement in March 2009 and, in May, tried to take it back!  Kris finally got paid the amount they originally agreed upon for the car, but is still having to fight for the bodily injury portion of the claim.

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NAME:  Gayle
INSURED OR VICTIM?  Insured and Victim
COMPLAINT:  Gayle paid a premium due of $6.00 online on her insurance policy.  Coast National debited her account for $108.00.  Overdraft charges and insufficient fund charges caused her to have to pay her bank almost $300.00!  She contacted customer service to let them know she had printed a receipt for the $6.00 transaction to prove that she didn't authorize a $108.00 withdrawal.  They told her they probably wouldn't reimburse her for the bank charges!  Any reputable company would automatically reimburse you for their mistake!

Gayle found an investigation done by the state of Colorado.  You can read the results here (it's a PDF file).  The gist of the report shows that they needed to improve their claims handling procedures.

--Unfair claim settlement practices: Committing or performing, either in willful violation of this part 11 or with such frequency as to indicate a tendency to engage in a general business practice, any of the following:

--Not attempting in good faith to effectuate prompt, fair, and equitable settlements of claims in which liability has become reasonably clear;

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