Well, are you used to writing the year 2000 yet? It still looks funny to me to see all those 000's!
You know how 1999 was referred to as '99, and 1952 was abbreviated as '52? Well, are we going to have to call 2000 by all three syllables all the time? Can we call it aught, or double aught, or zip, or zilch?
Well, there's no harm in asking!
Life is one continual adventure after another. Our church recently merged with another and we have had two pastors for a short while. They split the duties.
All of a sudden the congregation is informed that the pastor from the church that came over to ours, who is the head pastor, is leaving to pastor another church. Our other pastor, the one who used to be our head pastor, is planning on leaving in August. Both pastors are leaving the flock.
A pastor has very definite responsibilities. Pastors and teachers both have the
responsibility to make sure that what they are teaching is the truth. They also have the responsibility to make sure that the way they are teaching and what they are teaching and the words they are using are what God wants. They will have to answer for what happens to their congregation/students due to their teachings. It really is an awesome responsibility.
It sounds a bit scary, but if the pastor/teacher seeks God's will and carries it out then they have no worries. As a matter of fact, they will be blessed in ways unimaginable. They will have given what God desired to their students. Their students, in turn, will be equipped to become working members of the Body of Christ. They, then, will assist others, who will assist others, etc. etc.
A pastor also has a responsibility of being the spiritual leader of the congregation. He is generally looked at by the congregation as being the person who is most knowledgeable about the Word of God. Many people immediately believe everything the pastor says without comparing it to the Word. That is not the right way to receive the Word from a person, but it happens all the time. Many members of the congregation are not at all familiar with the Bible. Many do not touch their Bibles except when they pick them up to take them to church. I don't want to be rude, but perhaps that is why the pastor is referred to as the shepherd and the congregation as the flock. Sheep are not very bright and must have a shepherd to keep them out of trouble.
If a pastor causes any to stumble because he is not seeking God's will then he will have to answer for it. I know that my prayer is that I never have to hear the Lord tell me that anyone stumbled or missed meeting Him because of something I did or neglected to do. I have been praying on behalf of our pastors that they are not being self-serving at the expense of the congregation!