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Part 1 |
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Philippians 4:13 |
Get tuned in to the one who loves you the most. Get tuned in to the one who allowed His son to die for you. Get tuned in to the one who has the strength you lack. "And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment; that ye may approve things that are excellent; that ye may be sincere and without offense till the day of Christ; being filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ, unto the glory and praise of God." (Philippians 1:9-11) You can do it!! |
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"Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. "And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God." Ephesians 6:10-17 |
To receive the power you need the articles of armor named in Ephesians. Where do you find the truth? How do you become righteous with God? How do you spread the gospel of peace? How do you get more faith? The answers are in the Bible. If you are seeking the Kingdom of God, you will find those things. You will read about them and God will cause them to live in your heart. Ask Him for those things. He wants you to have them. The only way to have them is for you to have a personal relationship with the Lord. Jesus died on the cross to enable us to enter the holy place that only Levite priests could enter before. We can meet God face to face. We can commune with Him without a middleman. God is a personal God. He desires a personal relationship with you. Now it is up to you to desire one with Him and develop one. The ball is in your court. |
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1John 5:4-5 |
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They STOOD UP! They had so much respect for God's Word that they stood up and REMAINED STANDING the entire time it was being read! |
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Ephesians 4:17 |
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He already knows everything that is going to happen to you day by day. He already knows what He wants you to do in each situation that arises. He doesn't expect you to have to handle even one thing on your own! He already has a plan! |
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We are all to be members of the Body of Christ. There is only one Body. Satan is trying to divide and conquer. Don't be fooled. Read your Bible for yourself and ask God, the one who wrote it, to tell you what it means. Read the Bible EXPECTING God to open your eyes and open your understanding. When you struggle through a section and find it difficult to understand, you may find the understanding in another section as it reveals the content of the first. God's hands are not tied. He can and will help you understand. |
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He won't force you to do any of those things. He will back away and let you do things your way. He loves you enough that He will let you choose how you want to do things. He won't force you to do anything. |
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Nehemiah told them not to weep, but to rejoice, "for this day is holy unto our Lord: neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the LORD is your strength." God, Himself, was full of joy that the people were wanting to hear His Word again! (Yes, it is certainly possible to read it through more than once. Yes, it is a big book, but as you continue to plod your way through it you will find an excitement building. You will almost hear your Bible calling you, "Come read meeeeee.") |
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"The LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy. He will not always chide: neither will he keep his anger for ever. He hath not dealt with us after our sins; nor rewarded us according to our iniquities. For as the heaven is high above the earth, so great is his mercy toward them that fear him. As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us. "Like as a father pitieth his children, so the LORD pitieth them that fear him. For he knoweth our frame; he remembereth that we are dust. As for man, his days are as grass: as a flower of the field, so he flourisheth. For the wind passeth over it, and it is gone; and the place thereof shall know it no more. "But the mercy of the LORD is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear him, and his righteousness unto children's children; to such as keep his covenant, and to those that remember his commandments to do them." |
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2Kings 20:11 |
God caused the sun to back up ten degrees in the sky. Well, the
sun didn't move, the earth had to do something differently. Think about it.
God pushes the planets around like they are rubber balls! It seems so
impossible. Wait a minute, He created them in the first place! We know the same God today that performed that amazing feat way back then! Why do we tend to get so narrow minded about miracles? I have to keep reminding myself that nothing is impossible for God. I have to keep my mind open to the possibility that God may choose to perform a miracle through me or in front of me. I wonder how many times our unbelief has hindered God from doing the miraculous. How many times has He wanted to use us to do a miracle, like the disciples did in the book of Acts, and we were closed-minded to it? The world has worked on finding scientific reasons for everything from how the universe was created to why the sun went dark when Jesus died. We have become used to the "laws of physics" and the "laws of nature." We don't question gravity. We assume that when we let go of something it will fall to the ground. We expect to see all the mountains and hills in the exact same place day in and day out. Our brains are stuck in "logic" mode. I'm trying to add anticipation of the miraculous to my daily thoughts. I'm trying to not look at things in the same way. When I see an interesting looking bird zoom by I ask God to bring it back and then wait in expectant anticipation that He will. Does it always work? No. But, it does happen often enough that I know there is no coincidence involved! Let's find out what God wants to do every minute of every day. We need to include Him in everything. Let's not get so locked into our routines and our thoughts that we leave Him behind! The thought entered my mind that churches, especially, need to let God in. Too many go week in and week out plodding along in automatic pilot, doing what they've always done. Is that what God wants? Who is asking Him about what songs He would like to hear? Who is alert to His wants and needs during the sermon? Who is sitting at His feet and signaling the church leadership what God wants? Why aren't there miraculous things taking place in churches where many believers are gathered in one accord? Are they in one accord? Which accord? If the churches don't seek God's will moment by moment, how will they teach the congregation to do that day in and day out? The fact is, we serve a living, breathing God. We serve an omnipotent and powerful God. He is capable of doing anything! He has wants just as we do. Are we sensitive to those wants? Maybe He wants to take care of your every need. Maybe it takes some action on your part. Are you listening? Are you prepared? Is your mind open enough? |
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Psalm 55:22 |
Why why
why why why do we continue to try to solve problems on our own? I am making
myself crazy because I am so thick headed! God is capable of fixing problems
much faster and much better than I ever could! Sometimes I think I don't want to let God handle something because He won't punish the guilty parties as much as I feel they deserve. Wow, that's a Jonah thing, isn't it? Other times I just don't think. I just react. I jump in and start using the gifts God gave me, like writing good letters, without consulting Him to see if that is what I should do. Then there are the times when I have been wounded. Perhaps my pride has been wounded. I instantly feel the need to make myself look good and begin building myself back up. At least that is what I think I am doing. Usually though, as I build myself back up in men's eyes I am tearing myself down in God's eyes. Sometimes God requires me to look bad so He can look good! Then there is the love issue. How can I love anyone when they have done something wrong? I know that is what God will want me to do, so sometimes I just don't listen to what He is telling me. Oh, that is bad! I am being a disobedient child! There are lots of reasons why I purposely don't consult God and there is one main reason why I don't think about consulting Him. When I am not spending time in the Word and in prayer I am much more likely to not think of Him first, but think of myself. That is the main difficulty I have. If I was spending more time with Him then He would be at the forefront of my mind. I would be continuously listening for His still, small voice. I am the problem. My choices are bad choices. I must quit putting so much emphasis on worldly things and give Him the place of priority He so richly deserves. He can put everything in the proper perspective and save me a ton of grief! When will I ever learn? |
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1John 3:6 |
heard a lot of people struggle over this scripture. It seems that everyone
continues to sin now and again even after they have become Christians. I
suppose I would have struggled over it as well had I attempted to understand
it in the flesh. I don't get stuck on the scriptures that are unclear to me.
I just read them and leave them on the back burner in my mind until God
takes me back to them with understanding. Yesterday I got some understanding. I was praising the Lord with my Internet prayer partner/friend and the Lord began speaking to both of us. He showed us that we have been going about trying to abide in Him in the wrong way. We've been working and striving to be "good" and to walk in His will. Striving is not the way. We must submit to Him. This is taking "Let Go and Let God" to a whole new level. To totally submit to God we must have complete trust in Him. We have to actually offer our bodies (AND minds) to God as "a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God." (Rom 12:1) We have to submit completely to Him with no reservations. When I am afraid that God will want me to do things I don't want to do then I cannot submit fully. We need to love God so much that we would do anything for Him. He is already in us in the form of the Holy Spirit, so all we have to do is let go. That's it. No striving involved. I was hung up on the striving part. I kept thinking that there was something I needed to do to fight sin. I felt I needed more will power to do the right things and to do what God wanted me to do. What happens is when I sin it is because I really don't know Him well enough to trust Him. The scripture doesn't mean I don't know God at all, just that I don't know Him well enough. When I sin I choose to ignore Him completely. I push Him and what He is telling me out of my mind and virtually out of my life until I choose to let Him back in. I can hear Him speaking to me when I am about to sin. When I open my mouth to give a defensive response to my husband God warns me not to speak. If I am submitted to Him it is EASY to obey. If I am only partially submitted I manage to obey only some of the time. It is so difficult to put spiritual things into words that are easily understood! I hope you are following me so far. The first step in submitting is to know the one to whom you are submitting. You need to know God well enough that you love Him beyond measure. If you don't love Him with all your heart, soul, and mind (Matt 22:37) then you will not be able to trust Him enough to totally submit. Spend time getting to know Him. Find out His attributes by reading the Bible. Spend time alone with Him and allow Him to communicate with you. Remember, He is not the God who is way off in heaven somewhere. He is in you. I thought I had already submitted to God. However, like I said, I was striving to do as He wanted me to do. When I relax and submit totally then I am in constant communication with Him. I am in touch with the love, joy, strength, peace, and all the rest of the things He offers. There is no worry here. There is no confusion here. I am actually resting in Him and allowing Him to direct every word out of my mouth and every action I take. Will I be able to stay in this submissive state? I don't know. I sure hope so. If I do then people will truly see Him through me. The best part is that it makes "being good" so much easier! |
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Ephesians 4:23-24 |
How do
we get renewed in the spirit of our mind? Renewing takes something fresh.
What could be fresher than the Word of God? The Word of God is truth and it
is light. In it there is strength, wisdom, guidance, peace, assurance, and
so much more. Also, by strengthening our relationship and our communication with God we will be continually refreshed and renewed. Just reading the Word is not enough. We must choose to allow it to work in us. We must allow God to work in our minds. We must choose to let Him point out the areas that hinder our renewal. We must choose to get rid of them. There are a lot of choices we must make in order to truly be renewed in the spirit of our minds. We must also put on the new man. It doesn't say the new man will take over, it says we must PUT ON the new man. We must, once again, make a choice. The new man seeks to do God's will irregardless of what the world thinks, what we have been taught, or what we feel is the right thing. Then, once we put on the new man it takes a continuous conscious effort to keep him on. The old man underneath wants to be seen and be recognized. The world looks at the new man as something strange. It isn't natural to love the unlovable people, it isn't natural to turn the other cheek for the sake of peace, it isn't natural to separate oneself from the world. It isn't easy, but the rewards are great! |
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"But they that
wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with
wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and
not faint." |
on God is a good thing. This scripture, alone, gives us four reasons why
waiting is good. Backing up to verse 28 we see, "there is no searching of
His understanding." That tells me that, if we don't wait to find out what
God wants us to do, then we may very well be out of His will in what we do.
We can never
assume that we should do something just because it seems the right thing to
do. We can very easily mess up what God wants to do if we jump headlong into
something without checking with Him first. I was pondering the fact that most churches do not demonstrate nor do they teach waiting on God. I've seen where churches automatically do things just because they've always done them. I've seen where people were plugged into teaching positions just because a teacher was needed. Churches, too, need to wait on God. They need to seek Him and find out what He wants them to do. A church marching along in its own power is a powerless church. Just because something seems right doesn't mean it is. What if we step in and fill a vacant teaching position when God wanted someone else to fill it? What if we witness to a person who is sick and tired of people witnessing to them and our attempt at witnessing turns their heart to stone and they never get saved? There are some things that are the right things to do but the wrong time to do them. Only God knows exactly what is needed to fulfill His plan. We must learn how to wait on Him. Unfortunately, we will often encounter opposition if we wait. I was told by a pastor that it was a cop-out to say I was going to pray about doing something. He told me that I was not supposed to pray about doing something that needed to be done in the church. He was making the assumption that God always approves of our efforts when we are doing something "for Him." When I say I am waiting to get further instructions from God I often get disapproving looks from people. It doesn't matter. I must focus on being a God-pleaser and not a man-pleaser. I often have to fight against myself in some cases. I sometimes get frustrated and want to take action. Other times I want to take action because it seems the logical thing to do. If I step out and do something without God's direction then I might not get the strength I need from Him. He may even try to hinder my progress because I might be messing up what He wanted to accomplish. I don't see the future results from my actions, but He does. The world frowns on sitting and waiting when they can't see why we are waiting. We won't be popular if we say, "No," to something that seems to be the right thing. We must walk in the Spirit, listening for God's voice. We must be looking for His direction all the time. We must also NEVER make assumptions about what God wants us to do. Waiting is often not easy. It takes practice to learn how to wait. The more we purposely wait on God before we act, the easier it gets. |
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"Thou art my hiding place; thou shalt preserve me from
trouble; thou shalt compass me about with songs of deliverance." |
God. There just is no way to describe Him adequately. There are
no words that are suitable for describing God. Plus, we are not
capable of understanding everything about God. We can't learn enough
about God from other people to have a close relationship with Him. It
takes God, Himself, to reveal Himself to each one of us. Looking at the scriptures we can get ideas about Who God is. Our scripture for this week describes Him as our hiding place and says He preserves us from trouble. A hiding place is somewhere we can go when we are in danger or when we need to get away from a situation. How can we understand how God hides us? How can we, in our human minds, imagine God hiding us? I can't, can you? All I know is that when I need comfort and peace I can ask God for help and He does. Another scripture describes Him as, "For thou hast been a strength to the poor, a strength to the needy in his distress, a refuge from the storm, a shadow from the heat, when the blast of the terrible ones is as a storm against the wall." Is 25:4 He is strength and a refuge. So God protects us. Let's think on a larger scale: "The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms: and he shall thrust out the enemy from before thee; and shall say, Destroy them." Deut 33:27 He is a refuge as well as arms. He can put His arms around us to comfort us while He destroys our enemies. (Keep in mind that enemies are not necessarily people. Our enemy can be money, pride, fear, or any number of things.) God helps us to conquer our enemies. Let's think even bigger: "Thou art the God that doest wonders: thou hast declared thy strength among the people." Ps 77:14 Our God does wonders. We read about wonders He has done in the Bible. Let's not just rest in His arms and let Him comfort us. Let's look to Him for wonders. You have any wonders you need? How about a physical or mental healing? How about fixing your car? How about providing you with a home? Let's continue to think BIGGER because God said, "Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh: is there any thing too hard for me?" Jer 32:27 Let's not decide what God
can and can't, will and won't do! "He maketh the storm a calm, so
that the waves thereof are still." Ps 107:29 He controls
weather conditions.
"For God is the King of all the
earth: sing ye praises with understanding." Ps 47:7 The
King of the earth commands the earth! It doesn't just say the people
of the earth, it says the earth! He's the King of EVERYTHING!
"The north and the south thou hast
created them...." Ps 89:12 He created the north and the
south! "But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible." Mt 19:26 Let's pause and reflect: with God all things are possible. Never never never never never never never think small about your God! NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER put Him in a box of your own understanding! Keep your mind open to the things He wants to do in your life and in the lives of those around you. Read your Bible and learn about what He has done in the past. Remember that He is the same God as the God in the Bible. He does not work within the framework of your understanding. However, you will miss out on the things He wants to do through you and in you if you refuse to be used in any way He sees fit. You will miss seeing the miraculous if your mind is set against it. Keep an open mind. Let God fill it with understanding. Let Him have the things you have been taught by narrow minded people. Let Him teach you about Himself. Let every day be a new and fresh experience with Him. Be expecting wonders from the King of everything! |
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"Finally, my brethren,
be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might." |
If you've been reading
my welcome messages the past few weeks you will have noticed that I was
getting beat up. Bad things were happening around here one right after
the other. I felt like I was getting punched and knocked down to the
ground every single day, sometimes more than once a day. I felt like
as soon as I could gather the strength to stand back up... POW! I was
knocked down again. Last week, as I was reading my morning devotional out of my Smith Wigglesworth Devotional he was talking about power. Over and over he mentioned power. Power of the anointing... power of the knowledge of Jesus... power in the knowledge of His blood and of His perfect holiness... over and over power, power power. As I meditated on what I had read God began to remind me of who He is. He reminded me of who I am in Him. He reminded me that I have the Holy Spirit residing in me. He reminded me that He desired to have His will be done here on earth and that I was one of the vessels He wanted to use to do that. He reminded me that I am an OVERCOMER! He reminded me that I was a CONQUEROR! The things that were happening in my life and in the lives of my family members and friends were not His desire. By allowing myself to feel like a squashed bug I was not acting like a child of the Most High God. I was not acting like the betrothed of Christ. My Daddy is GOD ALMIGHTY! What the heck was wrong with me??? My God is my source of everything I need. He is my shelter and my fortress. He is my comfort and my joy. He is my SOURCE! A while ago I asked God for scriptures and visions I could pray over my sons. He gave them to me. Well, that morning I pulled out that paper with the scriptures and visions on it and I meditated on how God, my Daddy, personally chose those things for my sons. The same God that created the entire universe was surely able to see that those visions came true!! I began to claim them, with force and authority. As I spoke with mounting assurance I could sense the spiritual realm shaking and cracking. As I claimed the blood of Jesus over all the things that have been going wrong and over my family and friends I could feel a powerful moving in the spiritual realm! God doesn't intend for us to be victims. He expects us to be conquerors! We have the Holy Spirit in us! Is there anything we can't do? Is there any reason we shouldn't be rising up and stepping into the place set aside for the children of God? I am crossing over. I am now going to be walking in the spiritual. No longer will what my eyes see sway me. No longer will what my ears hear nor what I smell nor touch be reason to be dismayed. All those things are things of this world. They are subject to change by the power of God. I am not going to play the part of someone who is defeated. When my mind begins to think that way I will raise my voice in praise to the God who is my Rock. When my mouth begins to speak negatively or in anger I will use it instead to raise my voice in praise to God who is my Fortress. The world around me is falling apart, but I am NOT of this world. I am going to rise up each morning in expectation of seeing God's will being done all around me. I will use my smaller than mustard sized faith and apply it to situations and to people so they WILL be moved, they WILL be changed to conform to God's will. By walking in the spiritual realm I will be making a difference in this world, one tiny bit at a time. I am the daughter of the KING. I am a ROYAL PRINCESS. I have authority that has been given to me by God. I am not going to roll over and play dead when the world kicks me. I am a duck and those things are water rolling off my back. This started as a small flame. The more I pondered it, the more I fanned it, the larger and more frenzied it became. I shared it with my prayer partners and they took the small flame I handed them and have fanned theirs into bonfires. I hand it to you. What will you do with it? Do you feel it burning within you? Let it out! Claim those things in your life for God. Take those promises He has given you and pull them out of the closet. Place them in front of your eyes and begin to see them materializing! They are yours! We are not squashed bugs, we are children of the MOST HIGH GOD! Those things that have defeated you in the past will no longer have any strength. They will become insignificant and disappear altogether as the power of God is applied to them! Here are just a few scriptures mentioning the power that we have. As you read your Bible you will find over and over where we are not to act like whipped puppies. We are not to live in defeat and helplessness. "But
ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye
shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in
Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth." "To open their
eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of satan
unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among
them which are sanctified by faith that is in me." "But
we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power
may be of God, and not of us." "By
the word of truth, by the power of God, by the armour of righteousness on
the right hand and on the left" "The eyes of
your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of
his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the
saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who
believe, according to the working of his mighty power" "Now unto
him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think,
according to the power that worketh in us"
"Strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power, unto all
patience and longsuffering with joyfulness" Are you feeling it? Is it burning in you? It's time to take a stand and step into the role that God intends for us! We are peculiar people! We are not of this world! We are not ruled by the laws of physics! We are not ruled by what our senses tell us! We are OVERCOMERS! |
Smith Wigglesworth Devotional for
October 11Scripture
reading: Eph 6:10-20
An excerpt from
Come Away My Beloved by Frances J. Roberts Overburdened as the world is with trouble and sickness, I need those who have proved My sufficiency in everyday, personal experience to lead the suffering to the fountains of life. I need those who have found Me as burden-bearer to help bring deliverance to the oppressed. Never begrudge time given to chronic complainers, but recognize in each encounter the opportunity to speak a word that may lead to their liberation. No case is too hard for Me. Never be taken by surprise when I use you to change a pattern. Do not judge a man by what he appears to be, but see him as what he CAN BE if he give himself unreservedly to Me. |
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