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9/29/97 Want Peace? |
"Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice. Let your moderation
be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand. Be careful for nothing; but in
every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests
be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all
understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever thing are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." Philippians 4:4-8 |
Peace is hard to come by these days in all the hustle and bustle.
Every time the phone rings it has the potential of being bad news (and often
is)! I have found peace in the midst of very trying times. I could be
constantly worrying about my oldest sons who live in other states, but I'm
not. I know God can take better care of them than I can. I know that God has a plan for their lives. I can't watch over them, but He can! Rather than dwelling on depressing things I try to think about the good things and the lovely things. I find pleasure in everyday things. I thank God he sent Jesus so I could have a personal relationship with Him! If you want to find out more about Jesus go here. |
I neglected to save the 9/29/97 welcome message. I'm sorry. |
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10/27/97 Tribulations |
"Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord
Jesus Christ: by whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein
we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. And not only so, but we
glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; and
patience, experience; and experience, hope: and hope maketh not ashamed;
because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which
is given unto us." Romans 5:1-5 |
Justified--Just as if I had never sinned! Hallelujah! Only by the
grace of God am I justified! That grace was a gift. I never earned it, nor
could I ever hope to come close to earning it! I must thank God for these
trials and tribulations I am going through. Because of them I am learning
patience. Through the years this patience has grown. I am better able to
minister to people, plus I am a better wife and mother because of it. That
patience gives experience and because of it I have hope.
I have hope that good will come from all I am experiencing. (If you missed it--read my old Bible Study on Romans 8:28--it fits right here.) If I stop to look around I see some of the fruits of what has happened in my life. God is so good! "Thank you, Lord, for these tribulations. I pray you continue to use me for your honor and glory. Please pour this scripture into the hearts of those reading it and open their eyes of understanding. Amen." |
Link to 10/27/97 welcome message |
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1/13/98 The War Is Won! |
things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world
ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."
John 16:33 |
Trials come, frustrations come, anger creeps in, and we are
tempted to throw our hands in the air and give up. The thought, "What's the
use of even trying any more?" enters our minds. Nothing ever takes God by
surprise. Jesus experienced every emotion we will ever have. He suffered
trials and temptations we will never have to face. He did it to show us he
knows what we are going through. All these things are battles for us, but think about this. . .THE WAR IS ALREADY WON!! Hallelujah!!! Jesus overcame the world and everything in it. We CAN have peace in him. We need to let God handle the problems we are facing. It is hard to release something we are struggling with, but we need to hand the problems to Him and then we can be at peace. We are not alone in our trials. God is right there with us. Picture it. . .He's RIGHT THERE WITH YOU! Rest in that! |
Link to 1/13/98 welcome message |
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6/15/98 God Will Lift You Up |
"Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt
you in due time: Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you."
1Peter 5:6-7 |
It isn't easy to be humble. We perceive being humble as being
weak. We are afraid that if someone notices we are weak they will attack us
at our weak spot. They might take advantage of us, make us look foolish, or
some other dreadful thing.
God wants us to be humble so He can use us. If we are strong in ourselves He cannot use us. Our "self" gets in the way of His wishes. He wants us to be moldable. The easiest way to look at it is to ask yourself, "Is God stronger than I am?" Of course He is! Then it only makes sense that you should humble yourself before Him as He is, without a doubt, the stronger and better of the two!
Notice that it
doesn't tell us to humble ourselves so God can mop the floor with us for the
rest of eternity! Humble yourself now and He will exalt you (lift you up) in
due time. Why? Because He cares for you! He LOVES you unconditionally!
He wants you to be obedient to whatever He tells you to do. He wants you
tuned in to His mind. He doesn't want you to worry about anything. He wants
your total obedience. THEN He will lift you up!
It is a much better thing to be exalted by God than to be exalted by mankind! Being lifted up by men is only a temporary thing. God can lift you day by day, hour by hour to heights you've never known. |
Link to 6/15/98 welcome message |
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2/9/99 Need a Rest? |
"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." Matthew 11:28-30 |
Is there anyone that doesn't need a break from everyday life now
and then? Is there anyone that doesn't encounter difficulties, problems,
hard decisions, confusion, sadness, fear, or any of a number of unpleasant
things during their life? I believe it is safe to say, "NO!"
There is a way to obtain rest from these things. Jesus said we should take His yoke upon us. Have you ever thought about that scripture? A yoke is designed to harness two animals together so they can work side by side and equally share the load. Jesus wants to work RIGHT BY OUR SIDE! He wants to be harnessed to us!
He says His yoke is easy. That means we won't be overburdened by
the load. Have you ever noticed how much easier a job seems when you have
someone working right by your side? Having someone helping shortens the
amount of time it takes and makes the actual time spent seem shorter. (Of
course, I am talking about someone who is pleasant company and who does not
shirk.) It is so much more pleasant working as a team.
Jesus wants us to learn of Him. We will learn of Him if we take His yoke upon us. It is just like working alongside another human. You get to know a lot about that person after a while. Even if that person doesn't speak, you learn about their work habits and ethics. When we are yoked to Jesus we will be thinking about Him being right there beside us. We will be talking to Him in prayer. We will be seeking to find out more about Him by reading our Bibles.
Does your soul need rest? Of course it does. This scripture says you WILL
find rest if you yoke up with Jesus and learn about Him.
Don't struggle through each day alone. You have a choice. You can choose to tough things out on your own, or you can choose to walk side by side with the One who loves you more than you love yourself. What's it going to be? |
Link to 2/9/99 welcome message |
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4/12/99 Peace Is Yours |
I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I
unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."
John 14:27 |
Do we need peace? That's a rather silly question, isn't it? Of
course we do! When things go wrong, when the world gets too greedy for our
time, and when we are confused we long for peace. The funny thing is all the
while we are longing for peace, we already have it. Read the scripture
again. Jesus left peace with us; He gave it to us.
When we aren't experiencing that peace we are similar to someone who wants to buy something, has plenty of money in his checking account, looks in his pocket and finds no cash, and doesn't buy it because he doesn't know he has money in his checking account. The peace is there. We just need to access it.
Ah ha! How do we access it? Well, first of all, we have to have the faith
that it is there and actually accessible. Once we do that then we have to
allow God to have the things that are causing us to feel the need for peace.
We have to have faith that He will help us with what bugs us.
I used to think that I needed to handle every single problem that came my way. I became rather good at analyzing the situation, coming up with multiple solutions, and implementing the solutions one by one until I solved the problem. Of course, I wasn't always able to handle every problem and I was usually in some stage of panic while the problem was occurring. I did feel like I had about as much control as humanly possible over the problems, however.
When I came to the realization that God was in control of
things that I had no control over, I attempted to hand my problems over to
Him. I remember the first big problem I handed to Him. I knew that He had
wanted me to take my sons to visit my ex mother-in-law. (I'm making a long
story short.) The airline that we were to travel on went on strike. I began
to do my "I'm going to fix this problem" trick when I realized that God
indicated to me that I was to go on the trip and so He must be going to
handle the problem. I quit working on an alternate route. Every once in a
while I began to think about a Plan B and would have to stop myself.
At one point I had the feeling that I was using God as a cop-out just so I wouldn't have to do any work on the situation. If the airline was still on strike when our departure date arrived then it would be God's fault. I began to doubt that God wanted me to go and that God would handle things. I began to make phone calls. Satan had sown those seeds of doubt and I began to water them with my imagination. I had to reject the feeling of using God as a scape-goat and rest in the fact that He WAS in control!
He does not
want our hearts to be troubled. He does not want us to be afraid. He wants
us to trust completely in Him. He has given us the peace already. We need to
use it. There is an endless supply. That's good. I know I'm going to
need a lot.
By the way, the airline went off strike the day before we left. There were quite a few more puzzle pieces that smoothly went into place as well. I'll leave it at that because, like I said, it's a long story. |
Link to 4/12/99 welcome message |
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2/2/00 Don't Love the World |
not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the
world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world,
the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is
not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the
lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever."
No, loving the world is not earth-worship. Loving the world is
loving things of the world. It is placing more importance on the things of
the world than on the things of God. Can you think of any examples? I can.
TELEVISION MONEY YOUR CAR YOUR HOUSE YOUR JOB SEX PHYSICAL BEAUTY PRIDE IN ANYTHING TRADITION (This is only a partial list) One that most people don't consider to be wrong is pride. You have nothing that is worth being prideful over. You have done nothing that is great enough to be prideful over. Every talent that you have is God-given. Every thing that is in you that is a good thing is God-given. You cannot have any self-confidence as that confidence is misplaced. Everything you have and have done can come tumbling down in an instant.
God gave you the talents and abilities that you have. He
gave them to you with the intention of having you use them the way He
directs. He gave them to you for a purpose. You have a job in the Body of
Christ. However, God has chosen not to force Himself on you. If you choose
to use those things for your own benefit then he allows you to so choose.
Maybe you are enjoying your life and maybe you aren't. If you aren't then maybe it is finally time for you to hand it over to Him. The things you do that are directed by Him are the things that will make a difference. Those are the things that will not pass away. You will no longer be standing in your own self-confidence. You will be standing on the Rock!
If you
don't know what things you are doing that are worldly then just ask Him. He
will tell you. The hard part is letting go of them once He tells you. He
will help you, however, so don't despair!
Link to 2/2/00 welcome message |
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3/7/00 Want Perfect Peace? |
wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he
trusteth in thee. Trust ye in the LORD for ever: for in the LORD JEHOVAH is
everlasting strength."
I just had a friend call me to pray with me about my son being
sick. She used this scripture in her prayer. God will keep us in perfect
peace when we trust in Him. It is when our faith begins wavering that our
peace begins to crack and fall apart. It is imperative that we keep our mind
focused on the One who can make a difference, the One who is in control, the
One who created us and everything around us.
There is strength in the Lord. Psalm 81:1 tells us to, "Sing aloud unto God our strength: make a joyful noise unto the God of Jacob." God IS our strength. I don't have to be strong. I don't have to "keep my chin up." God does it for me.
"And I will bring the blind by a way that they knew not; I will lead them in
paths that they have not known: I will make darkness light before them, and
crooked things straight. These things will I do unto them, and not forsake
them." (Isaiah 42:16) I will place my faith in God and He will lead me. He
will not leave me alone. After all, in John 14:16 Jesus said, "And I will
pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide
with you for ever." The COMFORTER is within me. Praise His holy name!
Never despair. Just trust, trust, trust. Don't tell me how hard it is. Your other option is to worry, worry, worry. Do you believe in God? If you do then why not believe what He says is the truth? He will give you peace. He is your Strength, your Rock, and your Fortress. He will comfort you. Give whatever is bothering you to Him. He already has His hand out, waiting for you to hand it over to Him. Oh, don't forget to let go! Well, only if you want perfect peace, that is. |
Link to 3/7/00 welcome message |
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1/22/01 Always Thirsty? |
God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee: my soul thirsteth for thee, my
flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is."
Psalm 63:1
The world is a very dry place. Have you noticed how people are
getting more and more self-centered? The majority of people only view things
in the light of, "What's in it for me?"
Have you needed comfort and found none? Have you had "good friends" forsake you? Have you asked people for help and had them either refuse or desert you when the going got rough? People disappoint us. Even our own spouses, parents, and children disappoint us. If we seek comfort and love in the world, there is little. What there is available is not dependable and not consistent.
We all thirst for
God. We might not want to admit it, but we all have an empty spot in us that
can only be filled by God. There is nothing in this world that can
effectively satisfy that dry, thirsty spot. We have to look out of
this world.
Some people try to fill that empty spot themselves. There
are a lot of ways people have tried. I can think of a few. There's money and
drugs. There's over-achieving to gain recognition and there's seeking the
"perfect" partner. There are a lot of ways that people hope to be able to
satisfy that craving. They keep striving to find that "water" to quench that
thirst. It's not in this world!
The really sad thing is that so many people are working so very hard in trying to find the answer. All they need to do is relax and let God fill their needs. Picture a baby that is hungry. He picks up a toy and tries to eat it. He sticks his hand in his mouth and sucks it, hoping for nourishment to ease the pain in his stomach. He tries his foot since the hand is empty. All along, Mommy is holding out her hand hoping Baby will take advantage of what she can give. This particular baby is very stubborn and refuses to let Mommy help. That's us! Bumbling along, thinking we know what we are doing and not having a clue! God is patiently holding out His hand for us! His eyes are full of tears watching us suffer as we bumble along!
I can't emphasize enough how wonderful it is to
spend the day walking hand in hand with God. The rest of Chapter 63 is worth
reading. Take a few minutes and read it. Take special note of verse 3,
"Because thy lovingkindness is better than life, my lips shall praise thee."
Truly, His lovingkindness is better than life! You won't believe it
until you experience it yourself!
Link to 1/22/01 welcome message |
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7/8/02 We All Need Peace |
I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I
unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." John 14:27 |
Yes, we
have done this verse before, but it needs to be discussed again! How is it possible to be in the midst of a situation whirling out of control and not be worried or afraid? How is it possible to be able to never worry about anything? How is it possible to accept very bad news and not go into a depression or fall completely apart? Jesus offered us peace. This is more than the kind of peace a child gets when he climbs into Mommy's lap for comfort. This is a peace that cannot be understood or explained. This is the peace that will raise us above a situation into a peaceful state of mind. In order to fully access that peace we need to have enough faith to know that God can and will handle the situation. We have to give Him our fear, worry, and all other emotions that cripple us. God is capable of sustaining us through anything. He is capable of taking control in a situation. We must choose to let Him. We must choose to let Him have our minds so He can fill it with peace. Are you a worrier? Tell me about one time that worry solved a problem or caused a bad situation to improve. You can have peace when you get a phone call saying your child was in a serious auto collision! You can have peace when you are approached by a violent person. You can have peace when you think you may never see your grown son again. You can have peace when you are lost in a strange and ugly neighborhood. I know for a fact because I've had that peace in those situations. No matter what situation we are in God has a way of isolating us from it and protecting us. We need to practice letting Him be in charge. If you are having difficulty, start with small things and work your way up. Peace is a very valuable commodity. You can have it in your pocket, ready at a moment's notice! It is yours to use! Of course, it is dependent on your relationship with the One who gives it. |
Link to 7/8/02 welcome message |
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6/24/03 Got Rest? |
unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28 |
morning I was, once again, struggling with some personal spiritual issues.
My family doesn't have a church home. I don't read my Bible enough. I don't
spend enough alone time with God. There were more issues, but those are the
main ones.
What I was doing was beating myself up for what I was and wasn't doing. I
was laboring over my actions, or lack of actions.
God interrupted my punishing myself with this scripture. My response was, "Well, yes, Lord, I know this. Haven't I laid my family's medical conditions, problems, and disfunctionality (is that a word?) at Your feet? I don't worry about them any more!" He gently brought me back to the scripture and pointed out that I was treating reading my Bible, spending time with Him, and finding a church home as a job I must do. All He wants me to do is rest in Him. "WHOA! That's not right! I'm supposed to do those things!" Again He impressed the resting part of that scripture on me. As I meditated on what He was telling me I realized something. When He was pulling me to a certain portion of the Bible or to a particular Bible study I enjoyed reading my Bible much more and got so many more precious nuggets out of it. He reminded me that He was the one who has taken me from church to church and He was the one who released me from the job of finding a church for my family. He reminded me that I am spending time with Him throughout the day, every day. When I am enjoying His creation, when I am thanking Him for something, when I sing praises to Him, when I am pondering how blessed I am then I am spending quality time with Him. I must quit laboring in the things that are spiritual. I must just rest in Him and allow Him to fill my mind. I must allow Him to draw me to Himself and to His Word. I mustn't beat myself up for not getting this Bible study done on Mondays. He can arrange it for me to get it done on Mondays if it was important. After all, He didn't give me this scripture until this morning, so I couldn't have finished it yesterday! The spiritual things in my life are not about me... they are about Him! I am not under any law of labor or works. Oh, my, as I search through the scriptures that mention "works" I find: "There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God. For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his. Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief." Heb 4:9-11 The only labor we are supposed to do is to labor to enter into the rest! Oh my! Let's get out of the mindset that we are failures when we don't do as we feel we should. We must get out of the worldly mindset that tells us we have to work to achieve. The only work we should be doing is relaxing and allowing our mind to rest on God. Don't get me wrong... we still need to read the Word, but He doesn't want us beating ourselves up over not reading as often as we think we should. He will draw us to it if we are resting in Him. There is another work we must do. Matt 16:24 says we must take up our cross and follow Jesus. Carrying the cross actually takes no effort only a willingness to do it having the faith to believe that He knows what is best. Carrying the cross is letting God know that we are willing to nail things to it. Actually, all we have to do is let go and He does the nailing. He provides all the tools we need, including desire, to do His will. Our job? Rest. |
Link to 6/24/03 welcome message |
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John 4:6 |
was weary. When it says, "Jesus was weary," I have to believe that was
probably a great understatement. From reading about Jesus I saw where
He went on and on and on doing what needed to be done. Exhausted is
probably a more precise description of how Jesus felt.
I'm going to make you work here. Go get your Bible and read verses 7-43. Jesus was weary, but God brought the Samaritan woman to Him. He was obedient to the Father and witnessed to her. She left and came back and brought her friends so they could share in what she had experienced. Jesus' disciples came along and urged Him to eat. He wouldn't and said to them, "My meat (food) is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work. Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest." (verses 34-35) He looked to the task He was given rather than to what would be good, comfortable, or desirable for Himself. God knows what needs to be done. He has gifted us with certain talents and abilities that He knows we will need in the areas He wants to use us. We don't get to pick and choose those gifts. According to 1Cor 12:11 God gives the gifts, "dividing to every man severally as he will." Notice, it is as He wills. He also, "set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased him." (vs 18) We don't know where God wants to use us until He uses us. It is OK to "covet the best gifts" according to Paul in verse 31, but that is no guarantee that we will get what we want. Perhaps if we all got to choose then we would all want to be doing something that is a glorious thing where people can see the fruits of our labor and know it was us that did it. Perhaps nobody would like to be an intercessor, tucked away where nobody can see, praying for things and for people. Even the intercessors often don't see the fruits of their labors. That would seem like a thankless job. If we are open to being used by God then He is in charge of our encouragement and our rewards. When we wonder if we are being effective in our job He has given us then He will bring some kind of encouragement. Often He has prompted people to write to me when I am wondering if I did the Bible study the way He wanted. I used to wonder if anyone ever read these pages and He assured me that He brought people here by prompting them to contact me. I didn't do these web pages because I wanted to create a web site. It was His idea. He made sure I learned the things I needed to know to design these pages. He is the reason the Clarion Call exists. I didn't choose to spend maybe 20 or more hours a week doing this job. I'd rather be teaching people in person so I can see how many people are affected. I used to crave human approval of the things I did. Now I rely on God. Each one of us may be required to encourage another member of the Body of Christ at some time. Be open to what He wants you to do. You are a living member of the Body of Christ. You are to make a difference to others in the Body as well as those outside the Body. God doesn't just give us one main job. He wants us to be a "living sacrifice" (Rom 12:1) every moment. He has many jobs for us to do. We need to focus on the work at hand and let Him take care of our physical needs. We need to let Him take care of any encouragement we need. We need to be available for His use in the Kingdom. Hopefully others will make themselves available as well. The more of us that are doing the jobs He is giving us the more people will get saved, the stronger the Body of Christ will get, and the more quickly His Kingdom will come to Earth! |
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7/22/04 No Fear | |
"No weapon that is formed
against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in
judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the
LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD." Isaiah 54:17 |
wonderful promise!! NO weapon formed against us
shall prosper! God will give us protection from what the enemy will
try to do to us! Wow! Let's grab that promise!
Wait, this isn't for everyone.
This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord.
So, it is for someone who serves God.
God has things for us to be doing. The things He wants us to be doing
are all things that benefit the people He has placed here on earth and who
need to be served by us. The thing we need to be doing is to find out
what He desires and do it.
The thing is, If we are busy doing things for Him, then the enemy is going to get excited and try to stop us. We need to be aware of that fact and keep our spiritual armor on. God will then handle deflecting the enemy's blows. God will make sure that the weapons formed against us will not be able to debilitate us. Yes, we will feel the attack, but God will make sure that it doesn't destroy us and our ministry. God wants to protect us if we are working for Him. He also wants to bless us if we are working for Him. Since He does such a wonderful job at everything doesn't it make sense to leave those things up to Him? We need not be worrying about anything if we are servants of the Lord. He is a wonderful master. He is never cruel. He is kind and understanding. The Bible is full of promises of protection. If you don't feel secure and feel yourself worrying about things then you haven't properly digested those portions of scripture. Time to open the Book and start taking in all those promises that are yours. Once you take them in let them have their way in you. Meditate on them and hold them close to your heart. Let them become alive within you. Once you get a good solid grasp then you will not ever fear nor worry again. Really! It's true! Fear and worry must be removed from your mind or you won't be able to do what is important. We are children of the King! We are sons and daughters of the Most High God, Creator of the Universe! Why should we fear anything? |
Link to 7/22/04 welcome message |
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Glory in Tribulations |
"But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by
Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect,
stablish, strengthen, settle you." 1Peter 5:10 |
Have you ever
been thought that God would protect you from all trials? Do you wonder
why you have things going wrong? Do you get mad at God when bad
things are happening?
God allows things to happen to us. He wants us to learn from them and grow stronger. "And not only so, but we glory in tribulations
also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; and patience, experience;
and experience, hope." "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me
ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good
cheer; I have overcome the world." It is important that we develop a close relationship with the Lord so we can stand strong when trials come. The more we learn about Him the more we are able to draw upon the strength that He gives. There is a peace that He can give us that is not affected by circumstances. We can walk up and over trials as if they were just bumps in the road instead of road blocks. The more we learn about handling trials the more God can use us. We can't do it on our own. We need to allow Him to provide the tools to weather each storm as it comes along. We must practice having faith in Him. We must trust that He will help us through the trial and that something good will come out of it. I am speaking from experience. I have learned how to look to Him for strength when I see a trial approaching. After all, He sees it coming from a lot farther off and He knows what the outcome will be. I'm going to allow Him to handle things since He understands things way better than I do! |
Link to 7/19/05 welcome message |
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Hurricanes Can Destroy You |
"Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the
world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let
it be afraid." John 14:27 |
We studied this verse back in 1999. It's about time to study it again. |
Link to 6/17/10 welcome message |
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Get Refreshed |
"And the next day we touched at Sidon. And Julius courteously
entreated Paul, and gave him liberty to go unto his friends to refresh
himself." Acts 27:3 |
Even when you are doing things that you enjoy and have a passion about
you need a refreshing. When you are busy doing things you have to do but
you don't like doing you need a refreshing even more. |
Link to 7/26/11 welcome message |
Bible Studies by Scripture |
Bible Studies by Title |
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