
Here are the welcome messages from
June 1998

6/1/98 June 1, 1998
6/8/98 June 8, 1998
6/15/98 June 15, 1998
6/23/98 June 23, 1998
6/30/98 June 30, 1998
June 1, 1998

We did something different at church Sunday. We didn't have pre-selected hymns and a pre-set schedule. We had a praise-Sunday. The Holy Spirit was given free rein to work. Anyone who had something to share was invited to speak. It was wonderful.

We used to allow for things like that at our old church. When we merged with the Baptist church we came into a church that used a bulletin with a worship format. We began to lose touch with what was happening in other's lives. The different parts of the body became more distant from each other. We never got to really know new people. Small divisions arose in the body. It was sad. I pray we get a lot more of what we experienced Sunday! It does a body good, if ya know what I mean!

It's time for spring cleaning. I've bug bombed the house and have to go into the nooks and crannies and get rid of the traces of webs and carcasses. My floor needs a good hands-and-knees scrubbing. My bathrooms are in great need of attention from top to bottom. My carpet needs scrubbing. The patio needs to be fixed up for summer use.

I am also spring cleaning my mind. I have things left over from before I made the commitment to dedicate myself to Jesus. The life I lived and the habits I formed have left behind cobwebs and carcasses that need to be removed. A vacuum cleaner won't do it. I need to immerse myself in the Bible and in prayer. I will have to fill my head up to force out the things that don't belong there.

Just like spring cleaning in the house, it always needs to be done again. I can never completely rid it of the things that don't belong there. It's a problem all humans have. I don't get discouraged. I can't rid myself of those things by myself. I need to allow God to deal with them. Of course, if I don't let go completely then they are never really gone. I keep praying that God reveal my "cobwebs" and when he does I begin working on them again (with His help, of course).

Link to the 6/1/98 Bible study.

June 8, 1998

So, tell me, has God been doing anything in your life lately?

If the answer is, "Yes," then I'd love to hear about it. If the answer is, "No," then why not? It isn't like He doesn't want to do something in your life. The hindrance would be on your end. He is willing, but as the saying goes, "It takes two to tango."
As you will see in the Bible study for this week there is a reason for you to be here on earth. The reason is not to take up space and use up oxygen. The reason has to do with whose you are. You should be experiencing God moving and working in your life.

God has been working in my life. I asked Him to pinpoint areas in my life that need to be changed and for Him to help me change them. The thing about God is, that when you ask Him to do things like that. . .HE DOES!

Whoo, boy! It is a difficult thing. These things He is working on are things that I've had for a very long time. I think they were poured in me along with some really strong glue. They are not coming out very easily. I covet your prayers. I know this is a good thing that is taking place, but it sure feels bad.

Wouldn't you know it? This week I started out asking people how user-friendly they found my site and I've got a glitch that causes the background color to show through. It originates in the banner from my original page when the Bible study was at Yahoo/Geocities. It doesn't do it on all browsers, either. I hope I figure it out.

Link to the 6/8/98 Bible study.

June 15, 1998

My baby is in high school now! Oh my gosh! I can't believe it! He just left for his first day of summer school!

As a mother I find my life has a tendency to rotate around my children. Most of my major traumatic experiences were directly related to my being a mother. Most of my best memories are also directly related to the same thing. I love my sons and the only thing I want for them is for them to be happy. (They are all saved already, or that would have been the other thing I would want for them!)

My older two sons live in other states. Under other circumstances I would be worrying whether they are all right. I have the assurance that God loves them even more than I do.

Even when they lived at home I was not able to protect them all the time. God is with them every minute of every day. He has the power to shield them from harm. The best thing I can do as their mother is keep connected with the One who loves them the most.

I must pray for them. God will do the rest. He knows what is best for them. He knows what it will take to make them happy. He has a plan for their lives. I don't understand sometimes, but it is not for me to understand. It is for me to have faith and trust in God to handle things His way. I'm so glad the responsibility is His and not mine! My sons couldn't be in better hands!!

I have been concentrating on Vacation Bible School. It is coming up at the end of July and there is much to do! I'm glad this is God's Vacation Bible School, not mine. Even though I am in charge of it, it is His. I have the faith that He will raise up enough helpers and teachers. I don't have to worry about being short-handed.

My responsibility is to be listening and ready to receive what God has for me. When He puts someone on my heart to be a helper, then I need to go to that person. If the person refuses to help then they will have to answer to God, not to me. God will raise up another to fill the position.

Thank you, Lord!!!!!!!

Have a wonderful week and don't forget to come back next week!

Link to the 6/15/98 Bible study.

June 23, 1998

If you came looking for the new Bible study yesterday, I apologize for the delay. (Notice I put a disclaimer that it would be updated usually Monday or Tuesday. That leaves me an out, so don't be planning on giving me a lecture! Ha Ha Ha)

My husband put some shelves up in a closet for me. Everything from the closet was spread out everywhere. I had to work on getting that put away yesterday. by the time I was done my brain was too tired to concentrate on this. (Good excuse, eh?)

I have been very busy working on the ideas the Lord has given me for Vacation Bible School. He has let me know that lots of fun and silly stuff will help the children learn about Him. They will have fun, learn about the joy of the Lord, and find out about Jesus.

God has really done some wonderful things already and VBS isn't even here yet! He's given me a love for all the children and a deep longing for them all to know Him. He has brought forth a music minister that never before had a calling to work with children. He is on fire to teach songs that the kids will have in their hearts and minds whenever they need them.

It would be nice if all the people that the Lord has called would step forward. I know there are many who are holding back. They will be the ones missing out. God will raise up others to fill the spots and will strengthen those who have already stepped forward to enable them to fill the gaps. The kids will not suffer from the adults' lack of obedience!

Have a wonderful week and don't forget to come back next week!

Link to the 6/23/98 Bible study.

June 30, 1998

Every once in a while I search for Christian sites on the Internet. I enjoy Bible studies, pages glorifying the Lord, and other things that minister to me. It takes a very long time to find a good site.

There are tons of sites out there that might be great, but I don't hang around long enough to find out. Pages take so long to load that it isn't worth waiting for a page that starts out, "John Smith's Page." If it is "John Smith's" page, I'm not interested. If it is Jesus' page, then I am. The title of the page tells me a lot. Plus, if a picture of "John" pops up, I know the page is really about "John" and I move on.

That's one reason I started a link page. I thought maybe other people were having the same problems I was. If you know of any great sites, I would love to hear from you.

Well, I'm still VERY busy getting ready for VBS. Speaking of which, I had better get going so I can work on it more. See you next week?

Link to the 6/30/98 Bible study.

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