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Ps:22:3 |
You want him dwelling right there in your mind? Start praising! Can't carry a tune? Praising isn't just singing. Praise is giving God recognition for His greatness and His place as Creator, First and Last, and Lord of Lords. Tell Him how wonderful He is. Tell Him how awesome He is. Describe Him. That, too, is praise. Try it. . .you'll like it!!! |
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Psalm 100:1-5 |
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Hebrews 13:15 |
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God wants to be praised. He wants to be exalted, lifted up, placed in a position of honor. He wants us to do this on an individual basis, but also corporately. He desires for us to get together with other believers and praise Him. Like the Bible says in Matthew 18:20, "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." God wants us to get together and praise Him with one mind. On the day of Pentecost (Acts 2) the disciples and any others that were there were, "all with one accord in one place." An examples of God enjoying praise and worship:" And Moses and Aaron went into the tabernacle of the congregation, and came out, and blessed the people: and the glory of the LORD appeared unto all the people. And there came a fire out from before the LORD, and consumed upon the altar the burnt offering and the fat: which when all the people saw, they shouted, and fell on their faces." Lev 9:23-24If you are a parent of more than one child you know the good feeling you get when your children demonstrate love for each other and when they get together and proclaim their love for you. It is the same with God. He enjoys it when His children get together and praise Him, worship Him, and love Him. When you give God a list of things you want, that is not praising Him. Think on this question: What do you give to God? |
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"The LORD liveth; and blessed be my rock;
and exalted be the God of the rock of my salvation." 2Samuel 22:47 |
This is going to be
short and sweet. We are going to praise the Lord.
No matter what is happening in our
lives, no matter how we feel, God is God and is deserving of our praise.
He is our Rock. Have you ever found that when things are falling
apart around you that God doesn't change. He doesn't leave you.
He doesn't stop loving you. He is right by your side and wants you to
lean on Him. He is unshakeable. If you are standing on Him you
will not fall AS LONG AS you know that He is your Rock.
If you don't really know Him then you
won't have the security of knowing He is in control. You will not
feel Him beneath your feet. Let Him teach you about Himself. Let Him show you what He can do. Have faith that He will act when the time is right. Have faith that He knows best. It doesn't
matter what we think He should do because we are thinking out of our own
desires and out of our limited vision. He sees the before and the
after. He knows what is best.
As it says in Psalms 146:1-3: Things are falling apart around me. My eyes see what appear to be hopeless situations. My heart tells me that my God is bigger than anything my eyes see and that my ears hear. I will shout, "PRAISE THE LORD!" and I will proclaim that He is the God that watches over my family. He is the God that is in control! AMEN AND AMEN! |
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"Bless the LORD, O my
soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name." Psalm 103:1 |
Yes, this is the
second time we have studied this verse, but we are going to look at it
slightly differently this time. The last
time we pondered the reasons why we should
bless the Lord. This time we are going to focus on the fact that this
verse says "Bless the Lord, O my soul" and NOT "bless my soul, O my Lord!"
Praise and worship is for God because He so richly deserves it. He is worthy to be praised. We need to be praising Him because of all the reasons we found the last time we studied this scripture and because of so much more. Jesus taught us how to pray in the Lord's Prayer. How does it start? Does it start with "give us" or does it start with "hallowed be Thy name"? So many times we bring ourselves to God and tell Him, "Here I am, Lord. I want... I need... I want... I need...." That is often what praise and worship has become, too. Whenever I go to a church I get excited as I anticipate corporate praise. What I mean by corporate praise is a group of people all lifting their voices in one accord and praising God. Yet, over and over and over I see churches miss the mark. Instead of
singing songs TO God ABOUT God telling Him how wonderful He is the
"worship" time is full of: Probably all the songs that are being sung are great songs and bless many people. There are times when "feel good" songs are in order. There are times when songs about the things God has for us are in order. However, when a group is ready to praise and worship God then they need to PRAISE AND WORSHIP GOD! They need to bless Him and not themselves! "Bless the LORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name." ALL that is within me bless His holy name! Praising God is pouring ourselves out to Him, not filling ourselves up with Him. It is singing songs that say "You, You, You" and not "me, me, me, I, I, I"! Well, hey, what do I know? I'm just another person with another opinion, right? So, ask God for yourself. If you are a praise leader in your church, ask God what songs He wants sung. Then, even though you have practiced a set of songs for the church service and might even have the words to the songs in the bulletin or on an overhead, continue asking God what He wants sung. As you are singing, ask Him what He wants. If a song all of a sudden isn't right then stop the song. Go to the one He wants. Does He want something different? Does He want everyone on their knees? Does He have a Word to share through somebody? WHAT DOES HE WANT? A praise leader must be leading praise FOR GOD and not FOR THE PEOPLE. Praise time is not entertainment time. Praise time is not just an introduction to the sermon. Praise time belongs to God and He needs to be put in control so He can get what He desires. So, if you are not a praise leader then what can you do? God doesn't necessarily want you to stand up and shout, "Stop the music!" Ask Him what you should do. Perhaps He just wants you to praise Him. Many times I have changed the words to songs and praised Him in spite of what was being sung. I will change "He is worthy" to "You are worthy" and "praise Him" to "praise You". Sometimes all I can do is weep because I can feel God yearning for deeper worship from people who are just having a grand old time laughing and dancing and clapping. There are no easy answers for what to do if you are just one of God's children in the congregation wanting to join in corporate worship. He knows what He wants from you and from your church. Even when we are in a group of people that are missing God altogether it doesn't mean we have to travel along with them. Close your eyes so you aren't distracted by any nonsense. Begin to pour yourself out. Let all that is within you bless the Lord. You don't have to ask Him for blessings. They will automatically result from your worshipping Him in spirit and in truth. Don't take, just give, give, give. |
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he [David] appointed certain of the Levites to minister before the ark of
the LORD, and to record, and to thank and praise the LORD God of Israel:" 1Chronicles 16:4 |
There were people who were given the job of praising God. That's it,
that's what they did. That was their job! They spent their time
ministering to God. They gave Him what He deserved... praise and
thanks. What do we give God? I'll think of some examples since I can't hear your answers. My ears still aren't clear from my cold, so maybe that's why. An easy one would be to give Him back whatever talents He has give you. For example, did He put in your heart the love of dancing? Then dance to Him. Tell Him in words how wonderful, awesome, and glorious He is. Sing them, or say them, or shout them, or whisper them, or think them. Love Him. Look at the examples we have so far. What is the common thread running through them? I'll give you a hint. It has to do with direction of travel. Did you get it? They are all being done TO God. You are sending praises and worship and love TO God. You are giving Him of yourself, giving Him what He deserves, and ministering to Him. Now I'm going to make you think about the opposite side of the coin. Let's use the same ideas. The dancer who is dancing to God begins to think about how great it feels just to be dancing and switches focus from God to the footwork or feel of the dance itself. When you are telling God all about Him and begin to:
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"By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God
continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name." Hebrews 13:15 |
What would you think when someone said you needed to
offer a sacrifice? A sacrifice is giving up something. Yet, one
of the definitions says it is giving up something in anticipation of
receiving something greater.In our
scripture praise is described as us verbally giving thanks to God. How
hard is that? Opening our mouths and thanking God. Not hard at
all. He desires it and it is easy to do. He wants continual
thanks. He wants us to be thinking about Him all the time. He
responds to us in a good way when we praise Him.
Yet, I hear people say they don't have anything to
be thankful for. If that is you, then let me help you get started on
your list of things you should be thankful for.
Your health. You say you have bad health? You're still alive aren't you? You are able to read or you wouldn't be able to read this. You are able to sit at, or lie with, your computer. You are still breathing. Your heart is still beating. Your _________ (fill this blank in with your body parts that still work) still works. Now, go ahead and thank God for your health. Flowers Clouds Sunshine Rain Your computer Your brain, talents, skills... Your children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, parents, spouse, neighbors, and/or friends. Your favorite piece of furniture, favorite blanket, favorite picture, favorite thing you like to look at. Paper Well, think about it. How handy is it?? Your favorite food The last person that smiled at you, hugged you, complimented you, or gave you something nice. Birds that sing pretty songs and pretty butterflies Your coffee pot, car, lawnmower, or any other appliance you use that works/runs. You start filling in the rest of the list. Oh, don't forget to put me on it. Well, I'm the one that just reminded you of the fact that you have lots of things to be thankful for and you are on my list, too! |
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