
Here are the welcome messages from
July 2000

7/3/00 July 3, 2000
7/10/00 July 10, 2000
7/18/00 July 18, 2000
7/24/00 July 24, 2000
July 3, 2000

Oh, yes, I am relaxed. I had a wonderful, relaxing weekend! I got to stay up late and watch anything I wanted and I got to sleep in until I couldn't sleep any more. (Well, or until the cleaning crew started making noise in the hall, the noisy room air conditioner went on or off, or the sun came streaming through the "not long enough" drapes!)

I didn't have any phones to answer, any scrip or golf tournament errands to run, any door to answer, nor any meals to cook. The hardest thing was deciding what to do next!

Then I got to walk along the Colorado river and watch the crazy 4th of July crowd zipping here and there on jet skis and wave runners.

The best part was the day I spent one-on-one time with the Lord. Now THAT was refreshing! I read some about David before he became king. I listened to a tape I had ordered from a seminar about hearing God's voice that I was unable to attend. I read email from mailing lists that ministered to me. The best of all was when God lifted me, hugged me, encouraged me, told me of His plans for me, and just generally loved me! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, heaven on earth!

I was pondering something the other day. Have you heard how the time between when the Old Testament and the New Testament was written is called the 400 silent years? The people who call it that say that God was not speaking to the Israelites during that time since there is no scripture written. They make assumptions about God wanting the people to be hungry for His Word and other reasons for the "silence."

If that was considered "silent" when no scripture was written, then we are in the vicinity of the 1900th silent year since the last book of the New Testament was written. I would think that is how those who refer to the 400 silent years would think. However, I haven't heard anyone mention the time since the New Testament was written as silent. I've heard many say that God is still speaking to us through the scriptures and also say the scriptures are the only way God speaks to us today.

I haven't seen anywhere in the New Testament where anyone speaks of no new Word from God since the scriptures (Old Testament) were written. I do see where God had been speaking to people prior to Jesus' birth and ministry. Take a look at Luke 1:13 and 2:26. I also see that there was a prophetess in existence in Luke 2:36. She had been hearing from God as well. What things had He given Anna to prophecy? We don't know. We do know that she spoke edification, and exhortation, and comfort (1Corinthians 14:3). (Ponder this: do people need edification, exhortation, and comfort today?)

What limitations have you heard put on what God will and won't do? Are you under the belief that you cannot hear the voice of God for yourself? Have you heard anything like, "God doesn't need to speak as everything He has to say is in the Bible?" How about, "God has no need to give anyone the gifts of healing, or miracles, or prophecy since we have proof of His existence (or whatever other justification they might give) in the Bible."

The Bible is not the final chapter of what God will and won't do! Yes, the scriptures contain information about things that are going to happen and have already happened since they were written. No, God will not change what is already written but, are the scriptures complete with everything that God has said and done? No. There are times in the New Testament where a prophecy that we cannot find mentioned was fulfilled. Other events and things are mentioned in the New Testament that are not written in the Old. Also, John says of the New Testament in John 21:25, "And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen."

The Bible gives us insight into things that God has done, evidence of ways He has affected lives, and a peek into the heart of God. It helps us to learn more about what He has already done and what He is capable of doing. It, in no way, limits what He is doing NOW and what He WILL do in the future! God doesn't change. In Malachi 3:6 God, Himself, says, "For I am the LORD, I change not..."

What you need to do is develop a personal relationship with Him. Read your Bible. See what He has done. See how it relates to you today. Talk to Him. Tell Him when you can't understand what you are reading in the Bible. Tell Him when you are having problems. Ask Him to help you with decisions and problems. Ask Him to show you how much He loves you. Let Him tell you what He wants to do through and in you. He knows what He will and won't do. Unless He revealed to you that He won't do something then don't allow someone else to tell you He won't. He is perfectly capable of showing you everything you need to know.

Oops, how did that sermon slip in there?

I just realized I messed up on my prayer closet. The page called Dying-to-Self was replaced by my old Bible studies in the category of dying-to-self. Gosh, I need to slow down a little before I save something, huh? Thank God I printed out a copy of my prayer closet! I would have had to remember what I had written there.

I pray you feel the love that God has for you and that you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul.

Link to the 7/3/00 Bible study.

July 10, 2000

My goodness gracious! This is turning into a strange day. I've got another flat tire on my car! This is the second one in a month and they are fairly new tires! Has satan purchased stock in the nail business?

My computer used very foul language this morning. Out of the blue a voice blurted out something not nice at all. It sounded like it picked up a CB. Now, what the heck???

No matter what my computer says and no matter what condition my car is in I know one thing. God is in control. I don't understand why things happen but there is something I can do. I can keep my mind on Him. I can continue to seek His face. I can allow Him to have my life. I can rest in the fact that nothing takes Him by surprise and that He is my Rock and my Fortress. I can see no other earthly comfort that is as strong or as safe as that!

I look at my floor that needs vacuuming, my grass that needs watering, my garden that needs weeding, the dirty clothes that need washing, my email that needs to be answered, my roses that need to be tended, and all the other things that are patiently waiting for me and I smile. You might think I'm crazy. You probably think I should sigh or frown or something, certainly not smile! Yeah, I'm crazy! I'm crazy about the One who loves me no matter how far behind I am. I'm crazy about the One who gives me the peace that passes all understanding (Phil 4:7). I rest in His arms and know that there is no better place to be!

I'm in the last three weeks of this booster club golf tournament I'm running. I'm pretty much done collecting raffle prizes and ads and am concentrating on getting golfers. Without the golfers the rest is just icing with no cake!

I know that it won't be as good as it could have been. I am simply amazed at the lack of cooperation from the other parents of football players. God sure is teaching me a lot about loving people who are self-centered. I didn't used to even try. Well, it was virtually impossible in the flesh. Now God is helping me. It's amazing what you can do when you get God's help! He helps you to love other people by showing you how much He loves them.

Link to the 7/10/00 Bible study.

July 18, 2000

OK, I'm going to finally admit it! I'm old! My doctor put me on blood pressure medicine last week. Plus I'm on hormones and I have arthritis. No, I'm not totally falling apart, but that will come in time. ;-)

Ahhhh, I just ate the first ripe tomato from my garden! I've been watching it getting red for the past few weeks. There just is nothing like vine-ripened tomatoes! You should have seen my dog. He saw me eating the tomato and heard me making "mmmmm" sounds. He sat in front of me, fixed his eyes on the tomato, and began drooling. Sorry, Moo Moo. I get the tomatoes! (The bad thing is that I had to reach through my gourd vines to get to the tomato and now my arms are itching.)

I've been feeling a bit lost lately regarding my ministry. God has called me in a number of areas and I've been running up against brick walls put up by people who are closed minded about God's ways. Now God has had me in a type of holding area where He has been strengthening me and preparing me. I feel frustrated because I've always been doing something. Right now the only ministry I have going is my online ministry.

I often feel like I am not being used, but every once in a while He gives me confirmation that He is still using me. He shows me the results of my online ministry or of my daily contacts with people. He's just not using me in the way I had pictured.

What I have to do is be prepared for whatever else He places in front of me. I need to continue filling myself with the Word. I need to continue to seek His face and His will. I need to be listening for His voice. I need to be continuously identifying and removing the things in my life that hinder my walk with Him. That keeps me busy!

Link to the 7/18/00 Bible study.

July 24, 2000

Next Monday is the football booster club golf tournament. Therefore, this won't get updated until Tuesday, August 1st. Goodness, I will be so GLAD when this darn tournament is over! This will be my last "hurrah" for this booster club. I will still help, but only in small bits and pieces. I'm not taking on any more big and difficult projects. It's just too hard with no help!

Well, here we go again! We are leaving another church, our second in two years. The interim pastor said things yesterday that revealed the box that he thinks he has placed around God. He told us what God will and won't do. He ragged on some big-name preachers and pretty much called them liars when it came to seeing angels, speaking prophecy, and other manifestations that God provides. Yes, you have to test what someone says against the scripture, but you don't test it against your own opinions!

The saddest thing is that some of the people in the congregation were calling out their "Amens" and "Hallelujahs" over what was being preached! When he said something was in the Bible that was not at all what the Bible said I heard someone say, "Yes, read it!" They are going to allow pastors to tell them what the Bible says and are going to believe what they say without checking for themselves! I think the last straw was when he told everyone they were sheep and to follow the new pastor when he comes in. Sigh! Don't follow a man! Follow Jesus!

Our incoming pastor has already made some statements in his resume that show he is closed minded about certain things. He has already decided that, "the need for tongues has passed." He also eliminates the "sign gifts" as not being necessary. There are no signs of his seeking God's opinions on things. There are no signs of his seeking to have a closer relationship with the Lord and leading others to have closer relationships.

I have no chance of having any ministry in that church. The head "mover and shaker" has already shut down my attempts at serving there. My family has no hope of developing a closer relationship with the Lord in that church. It has been a very long time that there was a message preached there that caused people to seek God's face and to get one step closer in their walk with the Lord. Oh, dear, I just felt like crying when I heard those sheep climbing into the box with the pastor! What each and every person needs to realize is that they are responsible for their own relationship with the Lord. They can never use the excuse, "A nice pastor told me it was true and I believed it!"

There is actually a much longer story regarding lies and cover-ups which are only serving to stifle the Holy Spirit in that church, but I won't go into any more detail. I am going to be praying for that church to have a spiritual awakening, for each person to seek the place that God would have them serving, and that God's will be done there.

I shared with you last week about my ministry being in a holding pattern and that I was experiencing some frustration. Thank you to those of you that sent me encouragement! God confirmed that I am still in His will through you! I will try to catch up on all my past-due email as soon as I can get past this golf tournament!

Would you like some grapes or spaghetti squash? I've got an abundance of them! I even pulled out my dehydrator and I'm making raisins! I thought it would be fun to grow my own spaghetti squash, but wasn't really thinking about how you don't just grow a few squash on a squash plant!

Link to the 7/24/00 Bible study.

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