November 1998 |
November 2, 1998 | |
November 9, 1998 | |
November 16, 1998 | |
November 23, 1998 | |
November 30, 1998 |
November 2, 1998 |
Whoa! What happened to 1998??? Gee, you take your eyes off the calendar for a second and look what happens! |
I've asked the Lord to use me. The problem with that is I never know when He will and HE WILL! I have to prepare for things that I don't expect and that I don't always understand. |
I'm wearing myself out today. Every once in a while I have to scrub the bathrooms. I don't mean clean the bathrooms, I mean scrub. Well, I couldn't put it off any longer. Today's the day. Unfortunately for me I'm the type of personality that does more than one thing at the same time. I got out the vacuum to vacuum the bathroom floor. So, I'm moving back and forth from vacuuming to scrubbing. So my question is, "When do I start having fun?" |
If you haven't visited "My Prayer Closet," I invite you to do so. It is about some of the spiritual things I've been experiencing this past year. I've had some real eye-opening things happening lately. God has been taking me on an adventure. You can get to it through the door right after the Bible Study. |
November 9, 1998 |
This world holds so many distractions it is a wonder we don't all go crazy! It seems every day there is one more thing to think about. Sometimes I just don't want to bring in the mail or answer the phone. |
The activity-filled fall season is winding down. Charlie's football team is not going to the play-offs this year again. This Friday will be the last game of the season. Casey's team has its last game Thursday. If they win they will either be league champs or co-champs. |
If you haven't visited "My Prayer Closet," I invite you to do so. It is about some of the spiritual things I've been experiencing this past year. I've had some real eye-opening things happening lately. God has been taking me on an adventure. You can get to it through the door right after the Bible Study. |
November 16, 1998 |
Our high school football season is over. My husband and my son will not be spending hours and hours at practice and games. Band marching season is over in another week. The hours my son spends at practice there will end as well as my booster parent volunteerism. Wow! This has been a long and hard couple of months! |
My prodigal son is coming home next month. I covet your prayers for him that he be able to have the will power and strength to get his life back on track. If he turns his eyes on Jesus and keeps them there then he will have no problem. |
Here's something you can try . . . when you read your Bible, do it out loud. I was surprised how some things changed meaning when I spoke them aloud. Not only that, my cat is getting filled with the Word! |
November 23, 1998 |
Marching band season is over now. What in the world am I going to do with myself on Saturdays now? Gosh, I can't think of a thing I can do! HA! |
Thursday is Thanksgiving. We are going to be extremely thankful that we can finally have a day where nobody has anywhere that they have to be. We can stay home, sleep in, and relax. Our Thanksgiving meal is going to be one that is enjoyable and satisfying to all. . .hamburgers and fries!! |
Have a wonderful week and come back next week to see what's shaking! |
November 30, 1998 |
Well, what kind of Thanksgiving did you have? Did you have a lot to eat? Did you watch football on
TV? Did you slave away in the kitchen? The most important question of all: Were you thankful? |
I am excited because Jeremy, my middle son, is coming home tomorrow. He will be staying with us while he goes to college. |
I read a poem entitled, "The Weaver" that has ministered to me over the years. I've given it a special page of its own. Take a minute and go read it
here. |