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BIBLE STUDIES (Newest ones are last) |
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He's Coming! |
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God's Gift |
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The King |
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Stand Firmly in What You Know |
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For Whom Would You Die? |
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You'd Better Be Right! |
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How Did Jesus Feel? |
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Revelation 1:7 |
The Bible is full of important information. It doesn't make sense to keep it on a shelf. How are you going to drink any water without getting wet? Dive in! The water is fine! |
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Isaiah 9:7 |
Do you want to be on his side? That would be the wise choice. It is a choice you can make right now! If you believe in Jesus (and I mean the REAL Jesus) then you are on his side! If you have any questions about how to be on Jesus' side please email me! |
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We don't know from one minute to the next if our heart will continue beating. It is hard for us to believe in a God that never changes, is always dependable, and that loves us unconditionally. Once we believe those things then we need to plant them firmly in our hearts and minds and never go back and dig them up to examine them. |
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Romans 5:7-8 |
Would it have to be someone you loved? Would it have to be your child or grandchild? Seriously, think about it. What if it was someone you didn't know? What if it was someone that you knew and you were aware that they talked mean about you behind your back? Would you die for them? Jesus died for every single person that ever lived and ever will live. He died for the people who use his name in vain. He died for the people who curse him. He died for the people who harm little children. There isn't one person he died for that actually deserved that sacrifice. None of us is good enough. What would it take to make such a difficult sacrifice? Do you know? Love. Jesus was filled with the love of God. Were you aware that we are supposed to use that example and love everyone ourselves? That's right! "Ye have heard that it hath been said, thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; that ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? Do not even the publicans the same? And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so? Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect." Matt 5:43-48 |
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Mark 16:16 |
It would seem I would be making sure he knows who Jesus is since it is only a matter of time before one or more of his diseases takes his life. He also has dementia. He is no longer in his right mind. He argues about everything. It would do no good to try to discuss important things with him now. Many years ago I tried to talk to him about Jesus. His response was, "God won't send a nice person to Hell." I told him, "You had better be sure!" I have heard that from others as well. They don't want to think about God being mean. After all, the Bible tells us over and over how much God loves us. If God loves us so much, why would He do such an awful thing as send us to Hell? My husband is a retired high school teacher. He used to tell me over and over how students would be mad at him for flunking them. After all, he was the one who gave them the "F" on their report card! Hold the phone, back up the horses, and stop the presses! My husband wasn't the one who didn't turn in the homework and who didn't study for tests. My husband wasn't the one who flunked the students! They flunked themselves! Their choices resulted in the consequence of failing the class. God doesn't send people to Hell. People send themselves to Hell. The reason for spreading the gospel throughout the world is so there isn't a single person who can say they didn't know about Jesus and the choice of believing in Him or not believing in HIm. I have a license plate holder that says, "If you believe there is no God you'd better be right." I also have a sun shade for my car window that says, "What if the Bible is right? Hmmmm?" How many people decide that there is no Jesus without doing any research? How many decide there is a Jesus but don't do anything about it? I was young when I first heard the gospel in Sunday School. I believed everything I heard. After all, why would a teacher lie to me? When I got older things changed. I went to church because I had gone when I was younger, but I didn't have a personal connection with Jesus. I was a "Sunday Christian", "pew warmer", "good time Christian", etc. God brought someone to my door that challenged my faith. It was a Jehovah's Witness. That guy was relentless. He would ask me questions and I would have to look up the answers. He would come back the next week and the same thing happened. I ended up actually reading my Bible. I did it without the "helpful booklets" that my Jehovah's Witness friend wanted me to use. He didn't think I could understand what I read without them since that is what he was taught. I forced myself to read the Bible from cover to cover the first time. It was hard to understand. It was like the time in sixth grade we got extra credit for reading pages in books. Silly me! I picked the biggest books I could find instead of going with the smaller, faster-to-read, books. One book I read was Moby Dick. Good grief! I had to force myself to read it because it was boring. Well, for a sixth-grader it was boring, but when I read it again when I was older I loved it! It was that way with my Bible. The first time through it was slow-going and hard to piece together in my mind. The second time it made a lot more sense. I read the New Testament a few times and then went back to read the Old Testament. Oh my goodness! Everything began popping into place! I began to do studies of things that caught my eye. I bought a multi-colored pencil to color code scriptures. I went to a Christian book store and bought a concordance, Bible Dictionary, and a Topical Bible. Here's a link to information about those tools. I began to listen during prayer instead of just ask for things. I ended up with a personal relationship with Jesus. I had wanted to learn the truth about Him for myself. I can't put that truth into anyone else's head. Each person has to seek it for himself. People who believe there is no God had surely better be right! Their fate lies in their own hands, not God's! |
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Ps 22:14-15 |
Jesus was empty, "poured out like water". All of His bones were out of joint. I once heard a description of what crucifixion did to your body. You switch back and forth from pulling up with your nailed hands and pushing up from your nailed feet. While hanging from your hands it pulls your shoulders out of joint. Once your shoulders go out then the muscles begin pulling at your collar bone, ribs, and spine. Pushing up with your feet nailed together or side by side is not a natural thing and pushes unnaturally on your knees and hips, throwing everything out of joint from the hips down. The pain must be excruciating. The pulling down must have been the worst because the two men on either side of Jesus asked that their legs be broken so they would die. His strenth dried up like pottery and his tongue stuck to his jaws. He was completely dehydrated. According to the Mayo Clinic severe dehydration can cause: Extreme thirst. Irritability and confusion. Very dry mouth, skin and mucous membranes. Sunken eyes. Shriveled and dry skin that lacks elasticity and doesn't "bounce back" when pinched into a fold Low blood pressure. Rapid heartbeat. Rapid breathing. Fever. In the most serious cases, delirium or unconsciousness. Now, go read before and after our scriptures in Psalms and go read the crucifixion descriptions in the gospels. It will give you a better picture of the suffering that Jesus did for you, and you, and me, and you, and you...... |
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