This web site is designed to help you in your spiritual growth. There are
lots of different themes here at the Clarion, but if I had to pick a major
theme it would probably be The Body of Christ.
There are a lot of positions
in the Body of Christ. God has a unique place just for you. Do you know what
it is? If not, then hopefully the information here will help you to
learn how to find out what it is. If you are not sure if you are in
the right position then perhaps you will find direction and verification
here. If you are already in the position God has for you then you
will find encouragement here.
The second theme is probably being open to
what God wants to do. We often rely on the things we've been taught
about God and categorize them as factual just because they sound right.
Yet, God may have a different idea. You will find many discussions and
studies on remaining open-minded and allowing God to teach you.

God was the one who urged me to create an online Bible Study. It began
in 1997 as a one-page weekly-updated Bible study. It grew from there.
In 2001 the Clarion Call was born. Since then He has brought other people to me that have added to the subject
matter you will find here. So, now there are all sorts of interesting,
thought-provoking, challenging, as well as fun things all in one place.
You won't find new doctrines or amazing revelations here. God gifted
me with the ability to take difficult things and to make them easier to
understand. What you should find here are a lot of things that will
confirm what God has been telling you. Gosh, I really can't tell you
everything you will find here. I do know one thing for sure and that
is that God brought you here. That must mean there is something here
for you!

You can write to me if you wish. The email link is on the
Communion page. If you have any
suggestions or comments that would cause this site to be more meaningful to
you or others PLEASE let me know! My ministry is to help people develop a
closer relationship with the Lord. What other things are necessary?
We members of the Body must be working together as one. We must be sharing
the things the Lord has given us. We must be assisting each other so the
Body as a whole functions the way the Master intends. Maybe
God wants you to be a working part of the Clarion Call. Be open to what He lays
on your heart. If He wanted me to share then maybe He wants you to share,
too. If God lays it on your heart to write articles,
poetry, or anything for the Clarion then
let me know!
More things are being added all the time. If you find a broken link or
other problem within these pages let me know so I can fix it. You be my
proofreader, OK? Each page should have a link taking you to the communion
page so you can let me know about any problems.
I look forward to our communing together over this marvelous Internet
which brings members of the Body of Christ together regardless of time
zones and mileage! Glory halleluiah!
On these pages you will find Bible studies, word studies, topical studies, poems, articles, devotionals,
encouragement, edification, inspiration, and a friend. Take a look at the
menu below to see the variety of things that are available here. The
site map categorizes
everything by topic. My prayer
is that this site will help you develop a closer relationship with the Lord.
I'm truly thankful you stopped in! There are lots of things to see and do
here. Warm up your mouse, put your feet up, and enjoy your visit!!
Again, welcome my friend and co-worker! Shall we journey together as we
climb higher and higher, out of the things of earth and into the heavenlies?
We can take turns leaning on each other while we catch our breath!

By the way, my name is
Kay Meyerett and I'll be your hostess while
you are visiting.