God does speak to us through
the Holy Spirit. He wants to communicate with us.
Sometimes He will use
someone else to speak to you.
Be open to what God wants to do! Last one added 3/6/06
You Shall Not Be Denied Anything Now!
is working even when our hearts cry out, "Where are You?"
Love Is I AM
Learning how to love the way God loves
Soar With Me
calls you, "Beautiful"
Go, Churches, Go!
Churches need to listen to what God wants them to be doing
Watch What You Say
What's real, the things God sees or the things you see?
Reflection of God
did He come as a man and suffer and die?
Are You Called to be an Eagle?
God tell you to be an eagle? Have you had visions of eagles?
What should you do?
You Are Set Apart
Comforting words from your Father in heaven.
Be Ready to be Used
wants to use you. There are things you must do to be ready.
God Understands
knows what is happening in your life. He can help you in rough times.
Abide in the Heavenlies
drawn to God. Here's how to abide in the heavenlies.
Standing on the Wall
Watching for things that need prayer.
I Am Coming Like the Wind
will happen to you when tough times strike?
Look in My Eyes
Learning more about God
Great Expectations
Expect miracles
Army of One
you busy doing things for God without waiting for Him to direct you?
Great is the Voice of the Intercessors
wants to move on the earth and is waiting for the intercessors to hear His
voice and to speak His will.
Be a Transmitter
wants to pour Himself right through you. Are you prepared?
Don't Be Led by a Ring through Your Nose!
has specific and specialized jobs for each member of the Body of Christ. We
must break free of the limitations placed on the Body by people and seek
God's direction.
Spiritual War is Being Waged
is being waged and you are being recruited. Are you going to heed the call?
I Change Not
things are certain in your life? What things change? God is a constant.
Lean on Him.
Deep Calls to Deep
must step out in faith into things we don't understand.
Speak the Word
has jobs for us to do. One job He has for us is speaking things into